Reflection versus Meditation

    Currently, in the face of the pandemic, the numbers that are presented to us every day, the lockdown and the chaos, we are invited by the astral to reflect on our history, on who we are and on what we have done and do to planet Earth and our brothers .

    We know that, as beings in evolution, we have to learn something here, and in the face of death, we stop to see what we really do with this issue of our lives.

    Under incarnations, our higher purpose is to untie the knot of existence in our greatest conflicts or karmas, which govern our lives. In a way, it is not so difficult to find this question in our lives, because the challenge, in fact, is knowing how to deal with, overcome, transmute and follow.

    All of this starts from a reflection on our actions, our history, if we are attentive to our thoughts and attitudes and if we are analyzing and drawing conclusions, which is very good.

    Meditation, in turn, is an invitation to you to look at your mind as a tool you have to use, a mechanism in your body that either frees you or imprisons you. Meditation, therefore, is an outlet for this illusion of being that is your mind, for you are not your mind, you are your essence.

    In addition, within meditation there are many techniques for different profiles of people and this is amazing, because you have the opportunity to identify yourself and practice some of these techniques.

    Reflection versus Meditation / Pexels

    Active and passive meditation, in silence, with mantras, songs or frequencies, with mudras, which are the signs we make with our hands for concentration and intention.

    How not to delve into this technique in this dive into our essence, which gives us so much meaning in our lives, because the great secret is when we leave the competition and enter the meaning.

    The great riddle of the new age is the rescue of our essence, the fact of how to really be who you are, how to free the fear of false limiting beliefs, how to move forward and continue our story. This all makes a lot of sense and there is no other quest but this one.

    A collective reflection is necessary about what we have done with the Earth, what we have done with ourselves, that is, it is necessary to make a collective meditation on the rescue of our essence, on who we really are and what part we have lost and how far we are going.

    • Reflection: an act of thinking and questioning about aspects of life
    • Grow in the face of difficulties, the Pandemic and the uncertainties of the future
    • When we look through the mirror, what do we see?
    • Find out what post-pandemic life will be like
    • Metta Bhavana: Know the Love Meditation

    Technology in our hands! What will we do when we finally win the pandemic then? What is life worth, what is our brother worth?

    The courage to live and be who we really are and the lesson are only worth if it has meaning in the end. With the negative union versus the positive union, the transformation of a robotic being into a being of essence, a polluted river into a river with life, the deforested field into a forest and hate into love, we will then be able to reflect, act and, finally, delve into our essence, meditate, expand and be and finally live our purpose here on earth?

    It's ALL the work of fate and, when humility is necessary and exalts itself in the world, it will give us the way and guide us, as Gil said: "I will walk with faith, faith does not usually fail." So faith in the world, in nature, in your brother, in yourself and in our divine God.

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