Reflecting on relationships

We are relational beings, we live a life based on relationships, at whatever level they are - family, professional, affective.

Relationships have a function: they are instruments, tools, opportunities for us to develop virtues, for the best of us to emerge, for possibilities of self-knowledge to present themselves. They are great schools, providing great learning.

But when we think about relationships, in general, what comes to our mind first? The other.

I have a relationship, I have a relationship, who am I going to have a relationship with? These questions direct our gaze outside of ourselves.

However, we cannot think about the relationship with the other before looking at the relationship we have with ourselves. And, by the way, this is the most important and sacred there is. From this relationship, the quality of the relationship with the other will be determined.

"When you look at me you see nothing but yourself. "

In this sense, relationships are like mirrors reflecting ourselves, what is inside us. Then from the other we see each other.

What if relationships mirror, through the other, what is inside usโ€ฆ what is inside, anyway?

Reflecting on relationships
Briona Baker / Unsplash

To make it easier, I now share some phrases that I hear a lot, especially in the calls I make.

โ€œI want someone who values โ€‹โ€‹me and recognizes me".

First question: do you do it for yourself? Do you trust your club, sign under your choices and decisions, assuming the consequences for them, because you believe in your ability and strength to deal with any situation that presents itself in your life?

Are you the one who values โ€‹โ€‹yourself or are you waiting for the appreciation that comes from the other?

"I want someone emotionally available for me".

Pull the question to yourself and ask yourself: eu Am I emotionally available to myself? Do I pay attention to my thoughts, emotions, feelings, perceive my physical body, its reactions and needs, or do I ignore my emotional and physical limits and run over myself like a tractor?

  • Learn to live more conscious relationships
  • Evaluate Why Your Relationships Are So Difficult
  • The Power of Speech: Use it to your advantage!
  • Realize the importance of self-knowledge in the relationship
  • Affective relationships without borders


"I want someone to give me what I deserve! "

(This is one of the affirmations champions!)

I ask you: do you give yourself what you deserve? Are you able to be fair and generous with yourself? Do you welcome yourself, forgive yourself, take care of yourself or do you keep dragging through your life what no longer serves you, be it patterns of behavior, beliefs, situations or people, afraid of having nothing better ahead of you?

One more:

"I want someone who accepts me and loves me the way I am... That's all I want. "


But are you really, honestly, able to accept and love yourself exactly the way you are? And that's not just the cool part! The not-so-nice part needs to be included in this package! Face this? If you look in its entirety, not only what is already known, but also what is still concealed, hidden, hidden, its complexities, limitations, head on and still say YES to you?

Reflecting on relationships
 The HK Photo Company / Unsplash

All these statements are worth considering.

What we want from the other we must, first of all, be able to do for ourselves.

I hope most of the answers are in the affirmative. Because if it is, you've already taken a big step towards yourself, which is where it all starts. But if not, every great journey starts with the first step.

Simply start where you are.

Because, without a doubt, the beauty of what we reflect to ourselves is the beauty that the other will be able to see.

Where To Get Oyasin! 

(Gratitude for all my relationships)

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