Recognizing our worthiness

    “Once, a hungry person had the opportunity to sit at a richly served table. But she said, "That can't be true!" And she kept starving to death.” (Bert Hellinger)

    Sometimes I catch myself meditating on this quote by Bert Hellinger. From the first time I saw her, she gained my attention.
    Sometimes, I come across situations in which life presents me with something extraordinary, with surprises, victories, achievements, situations and wonderful people that I'm not used to.
    Sometimes, I caught myself – like the person in the sentence – in front of something wonderful, but I ended up hungry for not feeling worthy of such an event or situation. Instead of being delighted, I doubted its veracity.

    Everything in life is learning, and I believe that, in it, most people seek the opportunity to experience good times, because, in the most intimate part of every human being, there is a force that believes it is possible to live with lightness, with abundance, peace, joy, harmony with oneself and with all beings.

    It often happens that the lens with which we look at life is blurred by situations of suffering, rejection, scarcity, memories of difficulties that our ancestors had to go through. But deep inside, there was also the seed of hope for a better life. So, even in the face of so much pain and suffering, with this seed, they continued life.

    Recognizing our worthiness

    That's how we got here, although sometimes with the lens packed. But, at the same time, with the strength and courage to clean it and, then, in the name of this hope combined with our inner search, to experience the long-awaited life of peace and harmony.

    Self-knowledge is what I have always used to clean my lens, but one day I noticed that this alone was not enough, there was also the need to present to the eyes already programmed by these embarrassments the knowledge of a new reality.

    From there, through the reprogramming method, I seek to awaken this new look with which I will be able to perceive life through my new lenses.

    Say to yourself:

    “I deserve all that is good”
    It reprograms the eyes that see things as bad and shows that there is always the good side of everything.

    “With me everything always works out”
    It reprograms eyes that only see problems, helping them to focus on solutions.

    “I deserve to love and be loved”
    It reprograms the eyes so that they believe they can live the purest and truest love.

    “Money circulates freely and abundantly in my life”
    Reprogram the eyes so that they stop seeing scarcity and realize that life is abundant.

    “I have normal and perfect health”
    It reprograms the eyes so that they realize that health is a consequence of care and attention to oneself.

    “The world is good and I love to live”
    It reprograms those who feel discouraged in the face of reality and motivates them to create a new world.

    And so, adding the self-knowledge that clears the lens, together with the programming of a new look, I continue to reprogram my life for the reality I want to manifest.
    Much more than accepting the banquet of divine abundance that life has to offer, I continue to accept, satiate and nourish myself and my ancestors with so many wonders. Thus, I honor the path they prepared so that I could get here and I represent them very worthily in this reality that we dream of living so much.

    May life be lived and appreciated at every moment, which is unique. The present that is today, tomorrow will be seen as the seed of an even better future.

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