Positive thinking is good for the heart

That positive thinking has the power of transformation in some situations is undeniable, but in addition, it can also reduce the risk of heart problems. According to a study by Harvard University, Optimistic people are practically 50% less likely to have heart disease.

Research has found that people with positive thinking have better cholesterol and blood sugar levels. In addition, optimistic people tend to be more physically active and eat better, keeping their bodies healthier.

The other explanation for this data involves biological mechanisms. Positive thinking people reduce the risk of chronic inflammation and sympathetic nervous system activation. Both represent the highest rate of cardiovascular problems.

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Julia Boehm, author of the study carried out in the Department of Society, Human Development and Health at the Harvard University School of Public Health, says that β€œWe found that factors such as optimism, quality of life and happiness are associated with a lower risk of stroke. brain) without taking into account factors such as age, socioeconomic status, weight and whether you smoke (…). These findings suggest that emphasizing psychological strengths rather than simply mitigating deficits can improve cardiovascular health.”

Both men and women can be affected by heart-related problems. The better you take care of your body and mental health – and that includes positivity – the lower the risks.

The effects of positive thinking on the heart

Positive thinking is good for the heart

You should know that positive thinking is one of the main rulers for things to happen in a positive way too. On the other hand, negative thinking is the main ruler of negative situations. Therefore, making the choice of positive thinking can be very essential to the heart, and not only to the heart, but also to the whole body.

When it comes to the heart, when we keep the frequency of positive thoughts, we have control of our health in our hands. The vast majority of illnesses – if not all – occur through our beliefs and thoughts of the day. That is, if we are always thinking that something bad is going to happen, it actually ends up happening. Automatically, this way of thinking and these beliefs take control of our body and affect our health, including our heart.

So if you start to pay close attention to the things you think about during the day, you will be able to identify the pattern in your mind and thus have the opportunity to change it. Otherwise, the tendency is always the same: everything goes wrong.

Positive thinking gives your heart food to go after what you want. In addition, he is responsible for bringing the creativity and inspiration needed to believe in life and all the good it has to offer. Positive thinking awakens in all of us the ability to love ourselves and, consequently, others.

If all these capacities come from the heart, then surely positive thinking is super beneficial for him, right? By keeping your thoughts in a positive format, your physical heart and life will become light and graceful.

Tips for nurturing positive thinking

If you are willing to change your thinking pattern, we have some very basic tips that can help you firmly.

Be willing to identify the downside

We have to learn to live with the dark side to capture the best of our light side. We all have these two sides to our essence! The first step is this: identify the negativity your mind is feeding so that you can then do the work of bringing light to it.


Positive thinking is good for the heart

Look for moments of laughter and intense laughter, even if it's just watching a simple video on YouTube. Just feel open to smile. When we smile, we are showing the body that we feel good. In more serious cases, laughing can be a good alternative too. Instead of taking everything to the side of stress, always seek to understand situations and pull them into a funny context. When you solve them, sit back and celebrate by laughing at what happened. It doesn't hurt!

Get around positive people

You are what you eat and you are also the average of the people you hang out with. So always seek to be with positive people and good with life. Keep your distance from people who are always complaining about things as energy is not seen but felt and discharged. Watch out!

you are your best friend

Take care of yourself, your thoughts and admire your potentials. A person who takes care of themselves is someone who manages to maintain positivity on a daily basis. Remember that you are your only best friend and that only you are capable of doing things that can change your life. Treat yourself with positivity!

Positive thinking is a habit, just like negative thinking. So don't forget that if you were able to set up negative patterns, you can also set up positive patterns.

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