Recognize your qualities

    A high note. A compliment at work. A cake recipe that everyone raves about. Freshly cut hair. The ability to express yourself in public. A song that everyone liked. The only way you can delight children.

    Recognize your qualitiesThings that should make anyone proud, right? Unfortunately, in a society that preaches humility as one of the greatest qualities someone can have, many end up not celebrating their victories and recognizing their qualities, as if this were even a wrong attitude. Well, know that the importance of knowing that you are good at something is immeasurable.

    When we tell ourselves and others that we are very good at something, we are immediately telling our brain that we are proud of ourselves. This attitude develops security, self-esteem and fulfillment. These sensations, in turn, generate more qualities to be highlighted and more skills are developed.

    Try it! This kind of attitude will help you in every aspect of your life!

    In the professional sphere, recognizing your qualities will demonstrate security in your knowledge and skills, resulting in opportunities for growth. A manager will always see greater potential in someone who also believes they are capable of meeting the expectations of the job market.

    When it comes to relationships, everything is also easier in the face of this positive attitude towards yourself. Whether friendship or love relationships.

    Intelligence and knowledge are also attractive to others. The old maxim β€œif I don't like myself, nobody will” is extremely true here. When we enjoy ourselves and our company, it means that we accept ourselves as we are and recognize our best portion, thus being more willing and prepared to enjoy other people's company and give them the best we can.

    Another bias in your life that can only be gained is personal. Looking in the mirror and seeing someone you're proud of is one of the best feelings anyone can experience. Lose (or win?) a few minutes looking at yourself and find reasons that make you like you, always highlight your best traits! And if you happen to find things you didn't like very much, force yourself to find solutions to improve them or accept that we all have flaws, but that their qualities are much greater.

    Just an important addendum: never confuse the importance of recognizing your qualities with egocentrism, arrogance or overvaluing yourself. In these cases, the effect will be exactly the opposite and people will start to withdraw, devaluing their actions and even their speeches. Not to mention that you will already feel so good that you will stop looking for alternatives for growth and personal improvement. Recognition dosage in this case is extremely important!

    • Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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