Recipe for an extraordinary life!

    At various times in my life, I caught myself thinking about what it took to have that margarine commercial life, you know?

    I asked myself what would be the ingredients to smile and enjoy life.

    Of course, I had NO REAL idea of ​​how my life was going.

    I had no idea I was already on autopilot, I didn't even know it existed!

    I swear that in some moments, I believed that what I lived was the real purpose of life.

    Having a college degree, speaking more than one language, doing a graduate degree, having a house, a car, a good job, waiting for the holidays all year and a journey companion to share the happy moments and the adversities.

    As I've told in another article, I needed serial scares (car accident, my puppy's health problem, my grandmother's death and my mother's breast cancer diagnosis) to really stop and evaluate what I was doing with the my life.

    Was my mission really that?

    Just to be clear: I truly believe that regardless of belief or religion, we are all here to accomplish something, and here I call it a mission.

    Soon I will complete two years since I was reborn, that I was reborn to life, to the life I know I can live and no longer the one I believed was the right one to live.

    Is easy?

    No! And at those times I remember one of my masters, GerΓ΄nimo Theml, if it were easy everyone would do it.

    Are there hard days?

    Surely in this world, they exist!

    Worth it?

    Recipe for an extraordinary life!Yes! Every second I have the opportunity to review the choices I've been making, I'm more surprised at how far I've come and how much I can still walk.

    Learning every moment to appreciate the most beautiful details of this journey called life.

    So, if I dare to think of a recipe for life, here's a suggestion of the seasonings that make sense to me:

    – 1 ton of courage;

    – 1 spoonful of daring;

    – Β½ determination pack;

    – 2 packages of faith;

    – Pinch of resilience;

    – Joy to taste.

    Mix everything together and place in the oven to rise.

    Follow along until you are at your point.

    Who chooses the life you want to live is you!

    How far to go or where to stop (the recipe point) will always be yours.

    An outstanding extraordinary journey!

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