World understanding – Path to healing in human relationships

β€œOnly those who understand themselves understand the other.”

We live in a time of uncertainty, the "was liquid", everything changes very fast. But the feeling, need, and desire to be loved, understood, and recognized remain with us.

So many limiting beliefs imposed by society, families, cultures and religions, all resulting in violence, lack of internal and external peace, wars, ideological conflicts, racial and gender discrimination, so many open wounds in us.

I believe, yes, this is a belief that we are all unique beings in this galaxy and universe.. No one is like anyone else, so no one is better than the other.

World understanding – Path to healing in human relationships

Simple? Yea!

Experiencing that we are unique beings, therefore, not comparing ourselves to other people, requires emotional self-knowledge.

When I know and recognize my emotions, what moves me in the world, the values ​​that sustain my personality, I can understand others, their security and insecurities.

I begin to act consciously, clearly, tolerantly and with a comprehensive view of what it means to understand people's emotions, thoughts, reactions and attitudes.

I bring in my attitudes empathy, the ability to put myself in the other's shoes, as a detached observer. Without evaluating, criticizing and judging. Without wanting you to feel, think and understand as I do.

World understanding – Path to healing in human relationships

Empathy has its origin in the Greek term "empathy", which meant "passion", empathy presupposes affective communication with another person, and I include the words affection and reception.

I affect the other and the other affects me, I understand him and he understands me.

Empathy is different from sympathy. Sympathy is an intellectual response. Empathy is an emotional connection.

Sympathy indicates a desire to be in the presence of another person and to please them, empathy gives rise to a desire to understand and know the other person.

Altruism comes into play, love and care for people comes naturally to me.

I do not cancel, I place myself in a position of deep and genuine understanding.

World understanding – Path to healing in human relationships

I can identify with the feelings of the other and feel mobilized to cooperate with him/her, if the person wishes. I allow myself to help and ask the other's permission to help him/her, without deciding what I consider to be best for him/her. Unless in cases where the person is in mentally and emotionally compromised conditions to decide objectively.

One of the methods used in our professional actions is active listening and listening from the heart. We observed how happy and motivated people feel when they are listened to with mindfulness and when they feel that the voice of their heart is recognized by the other.

Placing our ears and our heart on human relationships, listening beyond what is being said and feeling the vibration of the other's heart opens the door to understanding and solidarity.

The consequences are:

  • Respect for differences, whatever they may be;
  • Altruism, serving others without expecting anything in return;
  • Feeling of belonging and worthiness;
  • Honor everything and everyone who came before us;
  • Valuing each and every contribution, suggestion and idea;
  • Lighter life;
  • Mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health;
  • Harmonious relationships;
  • A healthier and more sustainable environment;
  • Cooperating becomes more important than competing;
  • Peace gradually installs itself within each human being.

World understanding – Path to healing in human relationships

Thus, a more peaceful, loving, understanding and just world begins within each of us.

When every human being on the planet feels and lives these values ​​within themselves, we will reach a state of dignified, healthy and happy relationships.

I believe, yes, this is another belief, that the laws, norms, rules and constitutions of countries will be simple and effective. For the guidelines will come from the inside out, from each heart aware of its mission with itself, with the other, with the planet Earth, Universes and Galaxies.

Tips for exercising understanding with yourself and with others:

  1. Listen beyond what is being said;
  2. Nothing is personal, we often project our insecurities by blaming ourselves and others;
  3. Smile, because smiles lighten the soul and disarm resistance;
  4. Try to feel more and think less, this favors intuition;
  5. Offer the best of you, truly, without expecting rewards.

Be happy and make others happy with your light!

Loving hugs!

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