Reason vs. Emotion: How people who β€œthink” with their heart think

    People ruled by emotions, that is, people who think with their heart, are usually sensitive individuals to the problems of others and the world around them. Also, they are nice and funny most of the time.

    We have separated a small list of these unique and special people:

    1 – They are emotional: in addition to being highly emotional, they show their feelings in public and have no problem with that. They can cry more easily when reading a book or watching a movie, as well as get angrier and also show this when witnessing injustice or in an argument.

    2 – They take longer to make decisions: in this case, the logic is not valid. The emotional person needs to feel in his heart that this or that choice was the right one. After this certainty within them is consolidated, then yes, they make their decisions.

    3 - Empathy: not feeling very good about something in your life? Had a stressful day? Did you fight with your loved one? Emotional people will see that you are not doing very well and offer a helping hand.

    4 – They have no problem talking about their feelings: Unlike people with a primarily logical thinking profile, people who act on emotion are not afraid to speak up about how they feel, whether they're fine or not. Thus, bonds are created with the people involved, since they feel important when sharing these feelings.

    5 – They are outgoing and fun: people in this profile are warm and pleasant to be around, and can talk about anything, always with a dose of humor.

    Reason vs. Emotion: How people who β€œthink” with their heart think

    6 – They get stressed more easily: just as they react positively to the issues around them, what causes them discomfort also brings reactions according to the situation, in this case, anger and stress, but at a higher level than people with a logical reasoning profile.

    7 – 6th sense heightened: even if you don't say so, they know when things are not going well, or when everything is in order. Because they are people more connected to emotions, they tend to have a stronger sense of intuition.

    8 – They like to please people and know how to do it very well: because they are naturally pleasant, positive and empathetic people, they know how to treat their neighbors well, especially their best friends and loved ones. A gift out of season or date, a compliment at the right time and even a well-placed joke make these people amazing and unique.

    9 – Act based on feelings: they are your compass, your north. Whether or not they feel like they should or shouldn't do something, whether or not they should buy that outfit, or make a decision, will always be based on feelings.

    Text written by Bruno da Silva Melo from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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