Read at least one book a week

    Reading can transform you. For the better, of course. Reading a book helps to keep the brain active, improve memory, acquire knowledge, awaken curiosity, open new horizons, in addition to being fun and a great way to entertain yourself. The problem is that many people complain that they have not yet acquired the habit of reading. That's why we've separated some good tips that can help you have a very good and enjoyable reading routine. See below:

    have a goal

    Everything we start requires energy. And to put energy into something, the brain sends a message: β€œI will only put energy into it if it has a purpose behind it”. Therefore, it is very important for you to be clear to yourself what motivates you to start reading. If you have a goal and a purpose, that motivates you to read more, everything will be easier. Here are some examples of goals behind the habit of reading: improving the way I write, disconnecting from the world and having fun, learning something that can help in my work, discovering new things and so on… to start reading. So, in the beginning, you will have a reason to get used to taking the reading to the end.

    Read what you like

    As obvious as it may seem, how many times do we find that reading is boring because we are reading something we don't like? We start with this bad habit when we are at school and we have to read books to take a test. And that discourages reading. That's why it's important to find books and authors that you like. And if you pick up a book and you're not enjoying it, stop. You don't have to read a boring book to the end just because others like it or recommend it. For reading to be enjoyable, you must please yourself above all other opinions!

    Read at least one book a week

    Have a time to read

    Having a set time each day for reading is something that helps create the habit. Usually before bed or any other time when the environment is quieter and quieter is a good time to read. The important thing is that you observe your routine and find out what part of the day it would be good for you to stop to read and relax a little.

    talk about books

    Sharing your opinion about a book with others is a great way to motivate you to read more. Because one of the good consequences of reading a book is to make conversations with other people even more interesting and enjoyable. The more you read, the more subject you have to share with others. And the coolest thing is that the more you talk about subjects you've read in books, the more you'll discover good book tips with the people you hang out with, which will fuel even more conversations and good times between friends and acquaintances.

    Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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