Quiet is a verb that is conjugated together

    Quiet is a verb that is conjugated together

    A few days ago I was invited to participate in a conversation where the topic was peace.

    We would talk about the importance of quiet as a builder of healthy relationships between parents and children. It was then that I thought of the verb to calm down, this joint action within a family environment, where the focus is often only on children and easily forgets to look at the adults in the surroundings.

    I settle down. You settle down. We settle down. This we that only exists when the self is included in this process as an active and participatory part of the experience. Here I reinforce the importance that self-care plays in our relationships and, consequently, in our lives.

    Look for activities that are meaningful and that, when doing them, I can feel calmer than before I started them. I consider it relevant to emphasize that the search for peace is not necessarily related to more still activities or activities that require a certain immobility of the body.

    The same activity will exert different actions to each one of us. Some can find peace in a yoga practice, others, playing the drums.

    Searching for our own references and building a repertoire that meets our needs is part of the process of self-knowledge, of self-education, so that we do not become dependent on what we easily find represented by an external ideal.

    This ideal will easily associate the word sossego with images of natural landscapes that almost suggest the absence of external sounds. Beach. Field. Forest. Blue immensity, whether in the sky or in the sea. Naturally colored tones that alternate creating an inviting atmosphere for silence.

    Yes, I agree that this scenario is ideal for peace, quietness, a greater proximity to ourselves that will make us end up getting closer more naturally to the other who accompanies us. Contact with nature is essential, I know it, I feel it.

    But I would like to share the disquiet that the encounter with these images suggested in a search for the word calm generated in me.

    I felt uneasy when I realized that that wasn't the scene where I was, that even it painted something far from my reality, since I live in an apartment in the city and I'm more surrounded by asphalt than by weeds. Almost insidiously, a message came along that went something like this: it will not be possible to find peace here.

    Realize the subtlety of the information, and if I wasn't aware of it, I would have fallen into a trap.

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    That's why I reinforce the importance of a proper reference, because in its absence we become more susceptible to what is presented to us externally.

    What does quiet mean to me? What are the places and activities that reassure me? Who are the people I can experience peace with? What makes me calm down?

    And along with that, I dare say that it is really worth letting yourself be enchanted by the beauty that inhabits and surrounds us and that it would be valuable to create this corner of refuge in ourselves, making our body a comfortable place to be.

    It is possible to find peace wherever we are! Try it!

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