Integrative Therapies

We already know that the human being is not composed only of his physical body, but that in addition to this “dress” that we use on our earthly journey, there are other bodies in us that we cannot see with the naked eye and that make up who we are, these bodies are the mental, the emotional and the spiritual.

Integrative therapies appear in this scenario with a proposal of full alignment of the human being, using various techniques that help us to have a better quality of life.

The techniques are diverse, here I will talk about the therapies I use, which are Shamanic reiki, therapeutic tarot, stellar quantum table, among others. They all have the same goal of sparking positive ideas and providing a basic skills framework to help us resolve questions about our identity, relationships and life purpose.

Integrative Therapies

Through self-knowledge, it is possible to develop the necessary emotional balance that will help us create our own solutions, both to resolve conflicts and to make significant changes in our lives.

O shamanic reiki It is a therapy that uses the laying on of hands to channel universal energy. The difference between shamanic reiki and traditional reiki is that in addition to the symbols and the technique of laying on of hands, we use elements of shamanism to compose the therapy, promoting balance and harmonization. And musical instruments, medicinal herbs are also used, with the aim of bringing more connection with nature.

O therapeutic tarot has a self-awareness approach. Unlike traditional readings, which bring an oracular proposal, the therapeutic tarot uses the symbology of the cards to bring aspects of the unconscious to consciousness and promote the awakening of the conscience of those who seek this type of service.

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stellar quantum table

An instrument capable of transmuting energies, improving health as a whole: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Through specific elements and graphics, it is possible to cleanse, neutralize negative energies, harmonize environments, relationships and the lives of those who seek their help.

Integrative Therapies

Are all these techniques used together? Not.

Integrative therapy understands that the human being is a complete being, and each person's story is unique. In this case, the therapeutic proposal is also unique.

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