#QueFrio: Learn to heat up your home without spending too much

One of the worst situations that (almost) everyone goes through on the coldest days is not being able to feel warm, even inside the house. And when that happens, what to do? You've already put on an extra coat, closed the window and even left the oven on to raise the temperature in your house a little, but even so, you're still cold.

First, know that you are not alone. Depending on the region of the country you are in, it can be really difficult to get the temperature in your home up and actually make it warmer and cozier.

But, to help you, Eu Sem Fronteiras has separated some infallible, simple and cheap tips – yes, cheap – to heat your home on the coldest days and on the coldest nights.

Tip #1: Curtains and blinds

This tip is very simple. Just open all the curtains and blinds in your house early, starting at 8 am. However, be careful: keep the windows closed, this will let the sunlight in, but the cold and possibly the wind will stay outside. The light, after reflecting on objects and furniture, turns into heat.

Then, close all blinds and blinds before the sun goes down, so you keep the heat gained from sunlight still concentrated inside your home.

Tip #2: Aluminum foil

When you put aluminum foil on the doors of your house (from the inside), you concentrate the heat even more, this happens because all the light that came in tries to go out, and one of the ways is to dissipate on the door. However, aluminum foil works like a reflector – when reflecting on the paper, the light returns to the center of the environment.

If you want, you can also put aluminum foil in the cracks of the windows, which will also help to concentrate the heat even more inside the house, however, be careful not to block the windows, that is, not to block the passage of light inside. .

Tip #3: Rugs

Rugs are great allies in the search for a warmer and cozy home, mainly because there are few sensations in this world worse than stepping on the cold floor after getting out of the shower, or right after waking up. So, put some rugs in the house and enjoy the cozy feeling they bring, by the way, enjoy a warmer house - but the warning is that the rug gets quite hot, so you may need to store it somewhere during the summer .

#QueFrio: Learn to heat up your home without spending too much

Tip #4: Hot food and drinks

Add some hot drinks to your day, such as coffee, tea, chocolate, cappuccino, among others, as well as hot dishes, such as soups, broths, meats and any other preparations that are made in the oven.

Tip #5: Oven ajar

Taking advantage of the previous tip, in which we talked about the stove, you can also use it in another way to escape the cold. You can turn on the oven, wait for it to preheat for a few minutes, then leave it ajar (just a little is enough), and the heat that comes out of the oven will help warm the room. If your oven doesn't stay ajar by itself, you can fold a dish towel and fit it to one of the ends of the stove, it will work.

Tip #6: Exercise

Physical exercises, right after the first few minutes of practice, increase blood flow, which warms up the body a lot. So, practicing exercises, even if indoors – such as jumping rope, going up and down stairs, sit-ups and push-ups, among other types, is a great option. But, it is extremely necessary to be careful with a very important detail: your body will heat up a lot, but even with heat, be sure to wear a coat or some other type of clothing that keeps your body warm. Thermal shock with the outside temperature can make you sick.

Tip #7: Thick clothes

Of course, when someone is cold, the person's first reaction is to put on one, or more, coat, a pair of gloves, hats, and any other accessory to keep warm. But it's never too much to say, is it? Put on your coats and feel warmer!

So, did you like the tips? Put them into practice as soon as necessary and celebrate, because your cold days are over!

Text written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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