Philosophy: a knowledge for life

Philosophy: a knowledge for life
The word philosophy means “love of wisdom”. Of Greek origin. The term philia means friendship and sophia means wisdom. Philosophy is very present in our daily lives, although many people consider their studies difficult.

Its emergence was in the 595th century BC, in Ancient Greece. According to scholars, the first philosopher was Thales of Miletus (about XNUMX BC). Unlike religion, philosophy makes a rational analysis of human existence, leaving aside beliefs in order to seek to understand the actions of human beings. Some say that studying philosophy is fundamental to understanding life.

How important is philosophy?

Despite being millenary and there have already been several philosophers, even today many people are dedicated to studying philosophy, to understanding nature, the universe and the human being. It is an endless quest for knowledge. Among the first philosophers are: Thales of Miletus, Pythagoras, Democritus and Heraclitus.

Some of the current philosophers are: Jacques Derrida (1930–2004), Simon Blackburn (b. 1944), Donald Davidson (1917–2003), Michel Foucault (1926–84), Jürgen Habermas (b. 1929, Jean-Paul Sartre ( 1905–80), among others.

the studies of philosophy

There are many themes and approaches that are dealt with in philosophy. Among them we can cite classic subjects such as the relationship at work, the relationship between faith and reason, social movements, the cultural industry, politics, ethics and morality and the study of society. These issues will pass from generation to generation and will be topics of current philosophers and new philosophers, as they are important issues and at the same time difficult to find a solution.

Between one philosopher and another, each one has been seeking consensus and understanding of the universe through knowledge. And philosophy together with religion are together in this search. Both seek to bring knowledge to the question of being and the explanations of both are always different. That's because philosophy is based on reason, while religion on faith and teachings.

The very emergence of philosophy is linked to a “blind” faith that the Greeks lived, who sought to understand facts and myths that religion had no explanation. In this sense, philosophers believe that only through reason it is possible to achieve the true knowledge of things.

Difference between philosophy and philosophy of life

Many traditions, even Yoga, claim to be a philosophy of life. But there is a difference there. Philosophy is a doctrine that leads us to a study of the universe and the human being. Philosophy is in the search for the full truth, without anything, religion or belief interfering.

A philosophy of life, on the other hand, is a lifestyle that someone can choose either through a tradition or even of their own volition. This philosophy of life can be a search for the journey of self-knowledge, where some religion or belief interferes.

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