Quantum Prayer

This prayer should be said for 90 days in a row, at the best time for you. I COMMAND the removal of my mind from all beliefs, concepts, thoughts, images, phrases, negative people and EVERYTHING that has limited my moral, professional, financial and spiritual growth so far.

If there is any enemy revealed or not wanting to hit me, let him be enlightened at this moment, becoming my friend, because in my life there is only room for friends. Bless, bless, bless!

Wonderful things come into my life right now, on this day, and for all eternity.

I achieve my goals with ease. I live my life with joy, calm, serenity and harmony with myself and with the entire universe.

I am grateful for everything I am and for everything I have. I know that the power of consciousness is limitless and that the One Consciousness is with me everywhere.

I recognize that I am a being in constant movement of evolution.

I now choose my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual progress and give thanks for my blissful state. I am happy because I always get what I need and in abundance.

Within me are virtues, qualities, competence, wisdom and intelligence that make my life happy, fulfilled and broad.

I overcome any kind of obstacle. Before me, a future of much action, construction and joy is drawn.

The opinions of others are crutches.

Quantum Prayer
RF._.studio / Pexels

Anyone with strong legs like me doesn't need crutches.

Wonderful surprises now come into my life.

It's wonderful how at all times I'm happier!

I am healthy. My muscles are strong, my skin is firm and smooth and lush, full of youth.

My cells renew normally and neatly, as do my hormones.

My organism works harmoniously and I am all health, peace, vivacity, beauty and joy.

It's wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!

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My life and my business always prosper.

All the money I need comes to me easily from infinite sources of good.

Money always flows to me in avalanche and abundance, because wealth belongs to me and is a part of my life at every moment.

My friends open opportune and advantageous doors for my growth, which are always contagious and spread prosperity and optimism among everyone I live with.

I always get joy in contact with EVERYONE.

Wealth is here. The world of the One Consciousness is here and it is already perfect.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Quantum Prayer
Pexels / Pexels

My life is the size of my dreams!

Solution, solution, solution.

I am perfect, I am healthy in body and conscience, happy and strong, I have love and a lot of luck, I am happy, intelligent, I live positively, I have peace, I am successful, I have everything I ask for, I firmly believe in the power of my life. mind!


So it is. So be it. So will be!

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