Quantum Constellations: The Solution to Family Conflicts – (part 1)

Today I share with you the first article of a series I'm writing about Family conflict resolution and soul healing through the Family Constellations method. I emphasize that, over more than 30 years working in this area, I gradually went deeper and replaced hypnotherapy and age regressions with this tool, as it brings to consciousness what has been forgotten or hidden in our system, so that we rescue the past from quantum energy and family memories, with the patient/client in a normal state of consciousness, precisely to see and feel what was not seen or felt before by him or one of his predecessors.

Family Constellations, also called Systemic Constellations and by me Quantum Constellations, has been shown to be the fastest and most effective method of solving an issue (problem) that is resistant to conventional therapies. In this method, it is not the client or the therapist who commands the session, but the system itself from the quantum or morphic field, studied for years by Dr. and Ph.D. Rupert Sheldrake, biochemist, parapsychologist, writer, and speaker.

The term “Family Systemic Constellations” was first used by Alfred Adler in 1920 to refer to the Phenomenon according to which each individual belongs to and is linked to the relationships with other members of their Family Systems.

As a philosopher, I studied and tracked the great names in our history who contributed and improved the technique until we arrived at this powerful therapeutic tool, and, with all my respect to each of them, I never accepted that one or the other was the "owner" or "creator". ” about technique as those who have not studied its origins and evolution speak so much, after all the technique is based on “universal laws” and millenary, even cited in the Bible as “laws”, so it cannot be said that the merit was of this or that philosopher or doctor, so don't TCQ, course that minister of "Quantum Therapies and Constellations”, I make a point of citing the big names and evolution until we get to where we are.

Researching the state of people who were constellated and resolved their issue a long time ago, apparently, I found many cases that said they had resolved it at the time, but that today are already in other entanglements and that if they could, they would always make constellations, to feel relieved daily. . Given this, I wonder if this super brief therapy method can't cause the client to become addicted, as it does many of the conventional therapies in which people do sessions all their lives to feel good. However, we have cases where, after constellating and learning the meaning of this study through Quantum Constellations, they really had their lives transformed in every way.  

Our proposal is not limited to the constellation itself, where the client/patient and participants enter, feel and leave moved and relieved, but without understanding what happened at that moment, which is why religious and mystical explanations emerged, due to lack of information. Our proposal of Quantum Constellation, in addition to the constellation itself, constellates and participants learn enough to deal with their other issues in a simple way, such as 2+2 = 4. From then on, they make their own choices, aware of the laws of cause and effect so studied.

During my studies, in 2008 the PTCA® (Healing Soul Therapeutic Program), individual treatment consisting of Assessment + Constellation + 5 sessions and only. From then on, those interested in continuing their studies can attend the OCA® (Soul Healing Workshop), which consists of support groups and in-depth studies of those who have already passed the PTCA. Within this methodology, we realize that the results are lasting, because the client doesn't just leave thinking that it was magical and that's it, he learns to see systemically everything and everyone around him, in order to obtain significant results in their lives and in the most different sectors and systems: professional, personal, business, educational, as well as in health and mainly in the conciliation of family conflicts, with a focus on the emotional well-being of the children (children) involved.

In 2010 I started to use the term TCQ (Quantum Therapies and Constellations), as I understand that it is free from any dogma, mysticism or religious beliefs, taking advantage of the technique only what is scientifically explained by quantum physics, scientists and their experiments, which has helped us a lot in our evolution. But as I have always said of the spiritist doctrine, which I respect a lot: “they are not always spirits”, in the same way I say of Family or Systemic Constellations: “not always what happens in the quantum field during a Constellation, is in fact, what should be happening”. This thesis emerged after many years of research, including interviews with dozens of constellators that I followed over time. It is common for therapists/constellators and also representatives/participants to mix their own life story and experiences during a constellation, further entangling the quantum field, which should be at that moment only of the client and his family system.

For this, I see the immense need to train more and more professionals in this area, with a more scientific and explainable knowledge, including how to perceive what is really valid during a constellation and/or when we are letting our Egos and personal issues influence the issues of who is being constellated.

I have trained hundreds of students in recent years, among them many psychologists, coaches and doctors who, after taking other training courses in constellations, came to me because they did not understand some things, such as: “Jesus descends to constellate a person”... ? It's okay that only those who have them change their minds, but that's why they confuse lay people with religious beliefs, leaving many professionals even scared with the direction of the explanations of this methodology, it's not right. But it becomes simple if we look at these as independent lines, just as there were so many philosophical schools in our history and or doctrines that were derived from others. Everyone has the right to improve techniques within their line of work, but, in my opinion, they should have variables in the names, as I, in my case, use the term “Quantum Constellation”, which is based on pure science.

I was much sought after by people who trained in this technique both in Spain and abroad, who said that at first they went after this revolutionary therapeutic tool, hearing that it was about science and energy, but then the views and explanations were changing sides. religious or mystics, leaving their students in a “fair skirt” in relation to what was said before.

But what is Constellation anyway?

Quantum Constellations: The Solution to Family Conflicts – (part 1)

It is a powerful therapeutic tool capable of unraveling hidden or unresolved issues in our lives from a broad and systemic view, where the constellator (or facilitator) does not look only at the individual, but at his entire family system, the which can involve up to its seventh generation. It is a training that can be learned by anyone, as the constellator is nothing more than a facilitator who leads the session, and with great success, as long as he has learned in a serious, scientific "school" with explanations that go beyond “this has no explanation, it's magic”, commonly said in a few lines.

Within my studies, there is no way to constellate without emptying oneself in favor of the client's system, and this is only possible if we reach “point zero”, which I teach in courses and study groups. From there, only a lot of practice can improve this new professional in the area. This practice we offer through IPDS, free services provided by our students who become volunteers and are supervised until they feel safe from their experiences.

A therapeutic tool capable of unraveling hidden or unresolved issues in our lives from a broad and systemic perspective.

Quantum Constellations: The Solution to Family Conflicts – (part 1)

I confess that this tool is complex to be explained in a text like this, but very simple to be studied (in the courses) or experienced (in the constellations). At the end of this page I posted a video that shows some types of constellations and dynamics with children, youth and adults. But trying to explain in a simple way, it's as if people who don't know each other "play" the role of family members of Constelado (the client), however, such "staging" is not rehearsed or programmed. It happens from a quantum field that keeps the memories of the family system of each one of us, in this case, “the constellation”.

These people, called “representatives”, begin to act, move and speak like that family member, whom she does not even know, but at that moment behaves as such and this is clearly perceived by the client who is being constellated, causing him a catharsis (process that brings to the consciousness of the being the emotions or feelings repressed in his own unconscious or in the collective unconscious, studied by Freud and Jung, making him able to free himself from the consequences or problems that these feelings or bonds cause him ) when watching from the outside, how he and his family members act and react in a given situation.

This work ends with some quantum commands and restructurings proposed by the participants themselves, who at that moment, through the morphic field, connect with the quantum energy of that particular family member they are representing. This all occurs naturally, bringing healing to the problem that the client (constellated) is facing and also messing with his entire family system, which was not even physically present there, but energetically. Changes also happen in the lives of those who watched, participated and represented in that constellation.

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And doesn't that look like a séance or a theater?

This may seem like this to those who have never participated in a serious constellation, so we tell you how difficult it is to explain constellations with words. We also realize how we, human beings, get stuck in our judgments instead of feeling the experience of the new, but with solid millenary foundations, said by great scientists and masters of various doctrines, including Jesus. This is not religion, it is the union of science and spirituality, walking together little by little, but solidifying more and more.

In the same way that we inherit the genetic traits of our ancestors, we can also inherit their intellectual and/or emotional characteristics, their abilities and even their depressions, their guilt, fears, failures and situations that were not resolved by them, causing a systemic entanglement. in what we call the “family soul”, so that a child or grandchild (for example) can carry, bear, even if unconsciously, guilt, sadness, burdens that do not belong to them. With that, in addition to suffering, they go through life looking for a meaning to it, they do different conventional therapies for years and usually live in a spiritual search, going through different schools, beliefs and religions, and still they can't evolve. Because?

Because behind every conflict (in any area of ​​life), there is always something hidden or unresolved that, if we don't find it in the patient/client's life, the quantum field formed during this therapeutic session, reveals the origin of the problem, then the acceptance, forgiveness and deep respect and gratitude for that past situation, which ended up generating all the feeling that this client inherited, through energetic DNA, and that, if not “cured”, will also pass to their successors.

Quantum Constellations: The Solution to Family Conflicts – (part 1)
The good news is that this cycle, which passes from parents to children and grandchildren, sometimes skipping a few generations, can end from the Quantum Constellations and from a new look, proposed by all the members who are under the quantum field and repeat commands suggested by the facilitator, also called “healing words”.

This fantastic methodology has not only improved the lives of many people, but is increasingly extending to areas other than family areas, such as business, education, health and justice. That's right, in Justice, which admits that judicial resolutions never please the parties and always generate new conflicts, reopening processes that never lead to peace, causing irreparable harm to those involved, especially children.

I have been working with families for a long time, especially in defense of children in the face of the world we are living in. You can read the article where I summarize my thesis on “Today's Children and Youth”. However, in this series of articles we will focus on the use of this wonderful therapeutic tool in favor of family conflicts, research I have been doing for the last 2 years.

Quantum Constellations: The Solution to Family Conflicts – (part 1)

Stay tuned for the next articles in this matter, which we will talk about in:

⇒ How are the bodies that should help families with conflicts acting?

⇒ Are the Guardianship Councils, Child Psychological Care Centers and other bodies communicating as they should or are they just causing more problems due to lack of communication and preparation of the professionals who work there?

⇒ Do these professionals know in depth the origin and what the authors and scholars of the Parental Alienation law say?

⇒ Do they know that by encouraging parents to file lawsuits against each other and even putting the child in doubt about their parents, they can make the child lose his or her identity?

⇒ How is the therapeutic treatment being done with children who go through these family conflicts?

⇒ Why, after the Fantástico program gave such importance to the Constellations, did intrigues and controversies start from the associations of conventional psychology?

⇒ Why do Consteladores, who say they work with “the laws of love”, criticize each other so much for being from different lines? What's behind it?

These and other topics will be discussed in the next article in this article.

The important thing is to point out that all these “system failures”, which outrage both readers and us researchers, can be resolved through training, information, conciliation and communication between the bodies.

Quantum Constellations: The Solution to Family Conflicts – (part 1)

Unfortunately, in order to have a serious training on this subject, it is necessary to be able to afford basic courses that start at over 10 thousand reais, which is not possible to be paid by educators in our country. But we at IPDS (Instituto de Pesquisas e Desenvolvimento do Ser), founded by me and a study group in 2008 with this aim, to research and help in the development of the SER that WE ARE, using techniques with proven results in various sectors of life (health, career, finance, relationships and personal development) from a lot of experience, theoretical and field research, we will bring the most modern and effective studies, capable of transforming the lives of people, parents and professionals, in order to have children growing up under this new look, never taught in schools before, but now accepted and used by JUSTICE itself, which has had 100% success rates in agreements through this tool.

Our mission is to bring information and training to parents, educators, lawyers, social workers, counselors, therapists and other people who deal with human SOULS, and who are willing to learn to see them that way, and from then on change the your own world and TOGETHER we transform the whole world. We intend to publicize, inform, train and specialize professionals and interested people at popular, accessible and even free prices, but for this we count on the support of society, commerce, companies, schools, universities and government.


Help our cause and support us by publishing this article and the link below, in addition to becoming an IPDS associate, which is partnering with several therapeutic, medical and other specialties, with face-to-face and distance assistance, at popular prices for associated and/or free for referrals from our partners and supporters. You collaborate and still gain a number of benefits.


The VIDEO below is homemade, I posted it on Facebook as an appeal to society and government agencies about the best for children, whose parents and/or grandparents live in conflicts, whether the couple is together or apart, but from it, I received the invitation to write articles and give interviews on portals and TVs (some are already out, others are on programs), aiming to cover the subject for everyone, from government officials to housewives, as we all go through similar problems, but making it more accessible is still in the hands of the rulers, if not these, they will be the ones we will form from the changes of now. Maybe this new generation will invest in information and precautions, instead of continuing to spend billions on health and education with remedies, which only control, but do not cure, the cause of the disorders that arise more and more every day, not to mention the harm they cause to the Our kids.

It is worth remembering that the pharmaceutical industries are increasingly enriching, having as their flagship the “drugs of obedience” for children (ritalin and its cousins), and the “drugs of happiness” for adults (antidepressants and their relatives). It seems an incongruity to me, but...

Still in the same video, testimonies of mothers and grandmothers who suffer parental alienation, one of the most aggressive processes that a child can endure: being forced to go against one of their parents, and soon after, we demonstrate some works of Quantum Constellations with children, young people and adults and we end with an interview with the Doctor of Law Judge Sami Storch .

Thank you all for reading, watching and sharing this article!



“We are grateful, we are one, and together we can do more”

Quantum Kisses,
Raquel Koury  

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