Quantum Apometry: what it is, benefits, how it works and techniques

In the field of complementary and integrative therapies, we have a series of techniques that help us to treat physical or emotional problems, in a supporting way with traditional methods. And, in certain situations, it is even worth a help from superior entities. In that case, help can even extend to spiritual problems.

And, among the techniques that can help us restore global balance – body, mind and spirit – is Quantum Apometry. This technique promises to operate in all these dimensions, bringing a holistic balance to the patient. Want to know more? Then follow the article.

What is Quantum Apometry and how did it come about?

Quantum Apometry is one of the most efficient energy treatments, which restores balance by removing energies in a low vibratory pattern, capable of causing us a series of disorders, such as fatigue, stress, anxiety and weakness.

Quantum Apometry: what it is, benefits, how it works and techniques
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It is a set of procedures that allows us to release these intrusive energies and close energetic portals that drain our strength. Later, we will explain how it works and what are the benefits of Quantum Apometry.

But first, let's understand its origins.

The term "apometry" comes from the Greek - "apo", Meaning "Besides; outside of" + "metro", which means “measure”. The technique has its origins in the history of the Puerto Rican pharmacist and biochemist Luiz Rodrigues. In mid-1965, he had to undergo eye surgery at the Espírita Hospital in Porto Alegre (RS).

On that occasion, he spoke with the entity's president, Conrado Ferrari, about a technique in which he was experienced, called hypnometry. Interested in the procedure, Conrado invited Luiz to do a demonstration inside the hospital.

Among the doctors present was José Lacerda de Azevedo, who analyzed and attested to the practice, calling it Apometria, due to its main function, which is the split between our physical and spiritual bodies (hence the name, whose meaning we said just above).

The name “quantum” is due to the existence of a strand that has been shaped by its creator, Carina Greco, responsible for combining quantum symbols with conventional apometry techniques, using concepts associated with Quantum Physics.

What is Quantum Apometry for?

As we have already said, Quantum Apometry aims to balance our energy field, removing negative energies from the subtle body in which the imbalance occurs. Its performance goes beyond the physical body.

This process will help in the treatment of problems such as fear, guilt, anger, hurt, stress, anxiety, insomnia, panic, psychosis, obsessions. In addition, it is of great help in the treatment of psychosomatic diseases, such as tachycardia, hypertension, diabetes, migraine, gastritis, ulcer, asthma, bronchitis, psoriasis, dermatitis, vitiligo, tendinitis, among others.

Quantum Apometry: what it is, benefits, how it works and techniques
Liza Summer from Pexels/Canva

Unsuccessful relationships, bad behavior, curses and even negative internal or internal influences are also the focus of this technique.

In addition to common ills, Quantum Apometry also activates positive states of consciousness, heals negative states of this and other lives, aligns energy centers, strengthens immunity and connects us to our true essence.

What are the symbols of Quantum Apometry?

There are several tools used in this technique, and the frequency mandalas and symbols inspired by Sacred Geometry deserve to be highlighted. These symbols work as archetypes that encode our energy and make possible the connection with some hierarchies and mental commands, the latter responsible for directing our energies.

Mandalas are formatted based on the essence of each patient, functioning as a digital that provides cleaning, healing and protection, guiding the awakening and unification of each one's purposes.

How does Quantum Apometry work?

Treatment begins with an investigation of the patient in order to get to know him better and understand his problems and needs. The therapist makes a mental projection, through which he "transits" through the patient's past lives, in order to identify the origin of his ailments and perform the cleaning at this point, releasing all intrusive and harmful energies.

During the process, the role of the therapist is fundamental, as it is his mental projection that will influence all atoms. Which can become more fluid from the moment the patient begins to understand the mechanism and can cooperate with the process, influencing the energy around him.

Quantum Apometry: what it is, benefits, how it works and techniques
studioroman / Canva

In a session of Quantum Apometry, the professional interacts with several frequencies, among them the information contained in the universal quantum field, cosmic energies and mentor forces from other levels (temporal or dimensional).

Among the techniques performed, the following stand out:

  • Spiritual unfolding: it is performed by means of magnetic pulses, which create energetic emanations that promote the separation of the patient's levels of consciousness, so that treatment can be given at these sublevels.
  • Dialimetra: it is the emission of magnetic pulses in the etheric and astral bodies, made with the aim of making these bodies more penetrable, so that the energies can enter and flow. In other words, this technique makes bodies less thick, less compact, preventing blockages and energy accumulations from occurring.
  • Psychic attunement with spirits: it is also performed by means of magnetic pulses, to create a harmony between the therapist and a spirit that is helping in the transmutation of energies.
  • Space-time dissociation: as the name implies, here there is a relativization of dimensions and also of time. This allows the therapist to reach into the patient's past to help identify a root problem. This space-time “travel” is done through mental commands and helps to correct errors under the logic of cause-effect (since one can travel to the future, showing a possible consequence of our actions). For this reason, it is a technique that inspires caution, as it can have adverse effects (we will talk about possible side effects of Quantum Apometry later).
  • Cromoterapia mental: makes use of the irradiation of colored lights, each with its own property. Here, this technique is performed through the therapist's mental projection. It is considered more effective than “visible” chromotherapy, as it takes place on a subtle plane, channeling energies.

Is it possible to perform Quantum Apometry at a distance?

As mentioned in the previous topic, it is possible to perform Quantum Apometry at a distance, through online service, with a specialized therapist. The procedures are the same as those carried out in person.

There are even places that offer free Quantum Apometry sessions – in person or online. However, it is necessary to inform yourself beforehand whether it is classical or quantum apometry. And it is worth mentioning: do a detailed research, look for sources, references, to make sure that the place is serious and provides a safe service.

But then you may have the following question: if there is the possibility of remote care, is it possible to perform Quantum Apometry alone? Well, know that there is a big difference between being alone at home having a session with a therapist and doing the session on your own.

Quantum Apometry: what it is, benefits, how it works and techniques
studioroman / Canva

Some experts say that it is not possible to do this procedure alone, since Quantum Apometry has to be commanded and directed by someone who is extremely experienced.

Although online consultations demand more from the patient than if he were in a face-to-face session, there is guidance and all the direction made by the therapist. And, even with auxiliary techniques, such as audios that facilitate the unfolding, it is not recommended that it be performed by a layman.

Benefits and Effects: What Happens After Quantum Apometry?

We have already talked about the needs met by Quantum Apometry and where this technique works to bring us energy balance – one of its main results. But let’s list more expressively the main benefits of this practice:

  • Greater fluidity and an enormous sense of well-being
  • Reconnection with the self
  • Intensification of sensitivity
  • Vibrating tuning adjustment
  • Release trauma and limiting beliefs
  • Removal of negative energies
  • detachment of moorings
  • Balance in physical, mental and spiritual health
  • Harmony in relationships, finances and work
  • Reconnection with the life mission
  • Empowered spiritual protection
  • Balancing the chakras and subtle bodies
  • Greater self-awareness and self-control
  • Expansion of Consciousness

There are a number of other effects, which are also related to each patient's personal journey, trauma and belief system. And, speaking of the individual journey and the experiences themselves, it is also important to emphasize that the effects may not be so positive either, since we are accessed in our depths, in our past, including in previous lives, which can trigger some triggers.

One of these problems is what we mentioned in a previous topic: the possibility of witnessing the consequences of our actions.

What is the difference between Apometry, Quantum Apometry and Reiki?

As we have already discussed initially, Quantum Apometry differs from the traditional one because it uses quantum symbols (such as the mandala) and concepts used in Quantum Physics. Reiki is a form of alternative medicine that uses the laying on of hands to transfer energy. It is an alternative therapy recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and applied in the Unified Health System (SUS).

Quantum Apometry: what it is, benefits, how it works and techniques
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Although Apometry is not part of a religion, many consider it associated with spiritism, which makes this also a factor that differentiates it from Reiki. There is also Apometric Reiki, a modality that combines the two techniques and also proposes energy healing.

How to study and do Quantum Apometry? Where to learn?

There are several institutions that offer studies on this technique, but you need to be able to identify the most reliable and respected. Try to see if there is any association that brings together professionals in the area.

So researching rigorously is the first step. It's worth checking on search engines, social networks (which are a good thermometer about the quality of services), your own contacts – is it possible that someone you know has already made and been successful? Look for recommendations, look for reviews. Always focus on the seriousness of the course and the therapist.

Regarding values, they can vary greatly. This is another point you should be aware of. Make a comparison between all the values ​​you found and be suspicious of those that are too cheap. Not that cheap is bad, but we must bear in mind that, as it is a service, the professional who offers it had to invest a lot in knowledge and quality equipment.

Prices that are far above average should also be noted. The ideal is that the services and courses, respectively, are in an average of values ​​according to the offered structure. On the financial issue, It is also worth consulting those who have already done, so you can have a base and not fall for blows.

Quantum Apometry: Does it work or not?

As it is an alternative therapy associated with pseudosciences, there is always a doubt as to whether this is an effective and valid technique. On the one hand, there are testimonials and articles that demystify quantum therapies, sometimes calling them liars.

Many use science to deny the effects and refute the veracity of these techniques, even claiming, in the special case of quantum therapies (as is the case of Quantum Apometry) that their creators and defenders unduly and inaccurately mix terms from Physics to confer a certain authority.

Quantum Apometry: what it is, benefits, how it works and techniques
Maridav / Canva

But, on the other hand, there are those who confirm the benefits, not only therapists and creators of the technique, but also common people, who clearly see the effects of Quantum Apometry in their lives. Will it be faith? Is it the action of the Universe? Be that as it may, our mind also works in search of healing. If we are directed to work our thoughts and channel our energies (since everything emanates energy), the results may indeed come.

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Is that you? Have you tried Quantum Apometry? Are you curious? Want to know more about this and other alternative therapies? Stay tuned to Eu Sem Fronteiras content to find out in detail about all the ways to completely transform your life!

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