Quantum Activation to Attract or Make Relationships Happier

Hello Beloved. Today, on Valentine's Day, I bring you a reflection, followed by a gift.

A gift for you who have been dating the same person for many, many years, but want to renew your relationship, want to free yourself from limiting beliefs and the ghosts that surround your relationship.

A gift for you who haven't dated in a long time. And also for you who in each relationship realize that you are repeating the same cycle, the same movie, that in the end you end up disappointed.

A gift for you flawed and needy human being. VYou who are not alone, see? You're just going through the same difficulties most people go through. We've changed names and addresses, but all we all want deep down is BE HAPPY.

It is with great affection that I provide today a guided meditation that I use in my Complete FSQ Training - "Quantum Success Formula".

The FSQ is a training/course that covers all areas of life: Health, Finance, Career, Personal Development and RELATIONSHIPS. Because it's a paid training, we don't make the audios and the Quantum Activations publicly available, but today… Today I felt touched to share this activation with you, because I know it will bring a relief and a systemic understanding that can help a lot.

In the Complete Training we do Activations in each sector of life, but before we have video classes that teach the step by step to free ourselves from the "ghosts" that prevent us from being happy. Even without the class, this Activation alone has helped many people in our research and can help you too.

If you want to improve your relationships, want to attract true love, want to be with someone who loves you by your side, listen to this meditation for 7 days in a row, then 1 time a week, until you reprogram your mind and visualize your love.

Quantum Activation to Attract or Make Relationships Happier

“Everything happens first inside us, and then it materializes.”

The background music of this meditation will ACTIVATE dormant cells in you, through quantum commands that activate your unconscious while your conscious listens to the guided meditation.

The reflection I leave here is that WE ARE A REFLECTION OF THE LOVE WE ARE ATTRACTING TO US. Whether you are accompanied or alone on this Valentine's Day, reflect that you are attracting people into your life who resonate with you right now. And with that I end:

Would you date a person like you?

If you have doubts when answering this question, do the meditation below and reprogram your mind…

You are the people you are attracting into your life...

If you're not attracting nice people, check how you're doing and get started….

** Listen preferably with high volume and headphones.

A kiss to your soul and good meditation!
Raquel Koury

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