Empathetic people heal!

One of the many definitions of empathy that I like says: “We could define empathy as the ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes, to understand their vision of reality, their posture and opinions free from prejudice. Empathy can help not only others, but ourselves as well.”

And Augusto Cury summarizes empathy as follows: “The ability to put yourself in the other person's shoes is one of the most important functions of intelligence. It demonstrates the degree of maturity of the human being.”

Now, there is no requirement for someone to exercise empathy, because empathy requires, above all, respect, respect for the other being.

Emotional intelligence is being an empathetic person?

Answer: yes!

Currently, in contemporary psychology and neurosciences, empathy is a “kind of emotional intelligence” and can be divided into two types:

  • cognitive – related to the ability to understand the psychological perspective of other people;
  • affective – related to the ability to experience emotional reactions by observing the experience of others.

Much research indicates that empathy has a universal, physiologically proven human response. In this way, it can be taken as the cause of altruistic behavior, since it predisposes the individual to take altruistic attitudes.

Empathetic people heal!
Fizkes / Getty Images / Canva

Anyone who is an empathetic person in a relationship naturally likes commitment at all times. These moments can be good, great, joyful and happy, just as moments can be sad and bad.

The connections of empathic people are always relevant and the intensity is very strong.

Trying to live by exercising empathy is a unique experience! And it's a gift from God to meet people like that!

There are several characteristics of empathic people, here are some:  

  • They trust and are trustworthy, they are sincere.
  • Lying does not suit empathetic people.
  • They are understanding.
  • Harmonize the mental, emotional and physical.
  • They are objective.
  • They can identify whether the other being is okay or not.
  • They are emotionally very sensitive.
  • Forgiving and loving have a high degree of intensity in the life of every empathetic person.
  • Empathic people, somehow, always look for the best in each being.
  • Empathic people help transform people's lives for the better.
  • Empathic people seek to help, as they have the gift of healing.

You might also like:

  • Understand the benefits of emotional intelligence
  • Tips for developing emotional intelligence in relationships
  • Find out if you really have empathy for animals
  • Practice forgiveness in six important steps
  • Uncover what true healing is

Try to somehow practice empathy and transform the world!

You don't find a precious gem every day, so when you find an empathetic person, you've found a treasure!

And it's up to you to guard and care for this treasure!

Gratitude! Namaste! I love Amituofo!

Author Euclydes Zanon Filho

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