Psychosomatic illnesses, symptoms and treatments

The influence of the soul (psyche) on the body (soma) can make a person feel sick without even being sick.

When mental stress causes physical complaints, for example in the context of professional or private conflicts, psychosomatic illnesses are classically referred to.

Symptoms of psychosomatic illnesses can be very different: stomach and intestinal complaints, headache or back pain, fast heartbeat, ringing in the ears, dizziness, itching or chronic fatigue. Complaints are often accompanied by strong fears related to the disease. Eating disorders like anorexia and addiction to vomiting are also counted among the psychosomatic illnesses.

Psychosomatic illnesses, symptoms and treatments

This text generally refers to illnesses in which patients suffer from physical complaints without being able to find a physical cause that adequately explains the complaints. Depending on the symptom, other aspects may need to be considered.

Psychosomatic illnesses develop through a lot of emotional stress such as losses, fights, accidents, family problems, relationships, unemployment and cultural and social problems.

Psychosomatic illnesses, symptoms and treatments

The involuntary (vegetative) nervous system is affected. In addition, hormones are released, which can alter the body's metabolism and make you sick. Such effects can also affect the immune system.

Psychosomatic diseases can affect a large number of organs and systems in the physical body, such as the stomach, intestines, circulation, musculoskeletal system, among others.

In many cases, complaints are accompanied by strong fears of suffering a serious illness.

Psychosomatic illnesses, symptoms and treatments

Diagnosing a psychosomatic illness does not mean that the symptoms are โ€œimaginaryโ€. While psychosomatic complaints usually do not shorten life expectancy, they can be very distressing for those affected. In the case of chronic complaints, the quality of life is usually significantly reduced, there are private conflicts, social withdrawal and restrictions on professional life.

The diagnosis of a psychosomatic illness is by exclusion, since there are no tests to diagnose it.

Psychosomatic illnesses, symptoms and treatments

Through a thorough consultation and anamnesis, the health professional will take into account the possible triggers, stressors and the life situation of the people affected.

To rule out physical causes, the doctor performs a physical exam, laboratory tests, imaging procedures such as an X-ray, CT scan, MRI, ultrasound examination, or other diagnostic measures, depending on symptoms.

Health professionals who can help are medical specialists in psychosomatics, psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists. However, what is particularly important for successful treatment is establishing long-term cooperation and a trusting relationship with a doctor and therapist.

Psychosomatic illnesses, symptoms and treatments
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A particularity about the drugs used is that most are for anxiety, depression and pain, which at this stage are very limiting. The medication should be for emotional symptoms only, as no illness has actually been found in the physical body.

Physical and social activity is particularly important when dealing with psychosomatic illnesses: normal everyday activity, sports activities, hobbies and contact with other people activate one's strength and combat complaints.

Naturopathy enters as a great ally in the treatment of psychosomatic diseases, helping to improve the quality of life in general.

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Through the modern auxiliary treatment methods of naturopathy, symptoms regress quickly and without side effects.

With traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), acupuncture, moxa, cupping and auriculotherapy, a great regression of symptoms is achieved, also associated with the use of Flower Remedies.

Always consult a healthcare professional for any symptoms related to psychosomatic illnesses.

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