psychology and art

    Psychology and Philosophy with art are old loves of my soul. They have accompanied me since I was a child in the premature and unstoppable passion for cinema and its unique language, which immerses us in reflections, lessons, knowledge, in short… emotions!

    In my youth, at school, I began my approach to Philosophy and Psychology and, even though it was just a small crack in all the light that this knowledge can bring, my world was never the same. How much enchantment, how much passion. I thought…. “Finally something I LOVE studying.” And that seed was kept in me until the moment I had the opportunity to graduate in the long-awaited Psychology.

    The course brought out again all that ardor for the knowledge of everything that is human and that enchants and moves me. Studying, philosophizing, diving into a song, a movie, a story and coming out of them different, better, bigger, for me, all this is Psychology. It is all that is human in the sense of our emotions and feelings and they are all essential.

    psychology and art

    When I receive a life in my hands in care, what I feel is that together we will dive into our humanities, we will walk through the depths of emotions to emerge from them cleaner with each dive, with each breath.

    I am a Freudian in essence, but Carl Jung, when he said “Know all theories, master all techniques, but when touching a human soul, be just another human soul”, spoke of the principle that must always be the north of any and all care. who seek cures.

    psychology and art

    Today, I receive the opportunity to fulfill another dream, which is Psychoanalytic training. And I feel from the first class that it is another gem of knowledge in helping us in our human journey.

    You may like other articles by this author. Also check out: Family constellation and systemic laws.

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