Psychoanalysis as a path to understanding the spiritual psyche

    In the history of evolution and the various processes that medicine has gone through, there are some who still suffer from a limited view of what healing is, in fact, dealing with how and why we acquire diseases, traumas, anguish, fears and insecurities.

    When we live a life full of doubts, we live a life full of answers, but not always in the language we are used to, but something is always awakened when we question something external or ourselves. Surrendering to yourself is a dip of light and darkness, because we don't know what we're going to find, so there will always be surprises for us and for those who come after us.

    As we see throughout history, just one awakening and we become a master key in the world of revelations, which from time to time are developed in art, politics, religion and science. By integrating these four pillars of our society, we will take a leap, and I believe that is why we study the most vulnerable part of our body: the mind.

    When we talk about psychoanalysis and its deep study over the years, I am faced with some questions of humanity, such as: where did I come from? Where did it come from? When it comes to our psychic structure, starting from the principle of the first topic, unconscious, preconscious and conscious, being the unconscious as a storage of contents, memories and remembrances that have no contact with the conscious, the preconscious that makes the connection between the unconscious and the conscious, but not belonging to them, so the conscious is responsible for perceptions, attention and discernment of our mind.

    Knowing this, we realize that we have different ways of dealing with countless situations, both to repress them and to understand them. If we think that this is true of everything that we have already lived from the moment of our birth, still in the womb of a mother, I reflect on how we store what is beyond matter, what we bring from other experiences lived in our spiritual psyche.

    Through hermeneutic theory, it is possible to see beyond the object, beyond what is visible and superficial, but when we think about seeing beyond the unconscious, which, according to Freud, is the deepest layer of the human mind and is what started the studies until we reach the term psychoanalysis, the question remains: what do we see?

    Psychoanalysis as a path to understanding the spiritual psyche
    Alex Green / Pexels

    The quest for self-knowledge is ancient. Going back in time, we also come across great names in philosophy that contributed to who we are today and to how society behaves in this regard. Socrates' famous phrases, such as: "Know thyself" and "I only know that I know nothing" are perfect examples that we live in an illusory duality, that we are actually here to evolve individually and collectively, so don't there is one without the other. Therefore, I bring the contribution of Carl Jung, a disciple of Freud, to the world of psychoanalysis, in which he concludes, without hesitation: โ€œThe individual unconscious rests on a deeper layer. I call it the collective unconscious.โ€

    We live being contaminated by the simple fact of being alive, and if we are not on alert, it consumes us, but the search for full psychic understanding makes us not tired of walking in search of respect, empathy and compassion for ourselves and for others. Thinking like this, we are divided into four parts: physical, energetic, emotional and psychological body.

    Our psychological structure would be the last to be polished in our evolution as human beings in the face of lives and lives, comings and goings, which in spirituality we call reincarnation, which would be the opportunity to live several experiences on the same planet, as a spirit living a human experience and developing from a higher soul that governs our spirit, all connected to our body. If we pay attention to how we react to external interference in the face of an organism, we will see the effectiveness that these evolutions have caused us, for example: a simple injury, a cut, without thinking about anything, without making an effort. Our body already has a tamed capacity of its own to deal with, heal and heal; this ability occurs in the course of these experiences between soul, body and spirit over time and incarnations.

    In our current state of mind, we see how much we have difficulty dealing with external distractions and how this is significantly reflected in our psychology, from a scene we saw as a child, a phrase we heard, praise, criticism, the grieving process, achievements, defeats, what we have control over and what we don't have control overโ€ฆ Everything we deal with in our daily lives.

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    What is impressive is how there are no comparisons between situations and circumstances, as each one brings a certain particularity to their conflicts, and the idea of โ€‹โ€‹free association reminds me exactly of the path of self-knowledge and our โ€œIโ€, which exists in all the instances of the first topic, because at certain moments we say what we most need to hear or be the trigger to show a repressed emotion. Therefore, giving this opportunity to the analyst, to interpret what we feel without judgment, generates a feeling of freedom. As we are different, reactions are unpredictable and assuming a feeling is challenging, but there is no doubt that this is the first step to face what really takes us off the track of life and, in this way, trust in the purpose of yourself and of psychoanalysis as a way to unravel what we carry from past lives and from our current existence.

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