Protection Crystals

How to use crystals to protect your personal energy every day

You know when you walk into a room and it feels like you've been punched in the stomach?

Or when you meet someone and it feels like your energy is being drained while they chatter away next to you?

I know many people who start their day tired and many others who start the day with a lot of energy, but they arrive at the end of the afternoon completely exhausted.

And what's worse, people start to think that this is normal, that it's part of urban life.

You can be sure: this is not normal!

In fact, if you feel like your energy is being sucked it's because it is, but most of the time people don't know that.

There are many factors that can drain someone's personal energy.

It can be a person vibrating in the denser frequencies, such as: anger, envy, jealousy, hurt, resentment, etc...

It can be a hostile environment, full of fights, disagreements, betrayals, etc.

It could be a spirit without light, an energy vampire or even an egregore that has fallen ill.

It's always good to know who we're fighting, but it's much more important to know how to protect your personal energy than to look for blame.

What happens when we protect our personal energy?

Protection Crystals

When you learn to protect your personal energy and do so every day, you create an energy field around you that has the ability to keep your personal energy from being drained.

Imagine spending the whole day in the mood and being able to take care of all the tasks of your daily routine without feeling exhausted at the end of the day…

Imagine feeling peace and harmony wherever you go…

Imagine getting rid of nightmares and sleeping well through the night…

Did you imagine?

You can stop imagining and start taking care of your personal energy right now.

I will show you how I learned to use crystals to protect my personal energy. I do this every day, in the morning.

I've always been passionate about stones, not just crystals, which are usually shiny and very beautiful, but all kinds of stones.

Protection Crystals

When I moved to São Paulo, my new friends took me to see Litoral Paulistano and were very intrigued when they saw me filling my white cap with stones of all types and sizes. I have these stones to this day, well over 3 decades have passed, I've changed my address countless times, but those stones I picked that day are still with me.

And do you know why?

Because I feel the energy that pulses in the stones.

The crystals, as well as those stones that I collected on the coast of São Paulo, also pulsate, they are beings of the mineral kingdom, full of life. It's a different kind of life, but it's life.

And they have their own vibratory frequency, each one has a different vibration. That's why they help us in different aspects of our lives, because when we resonate with their frequency, our frequency rises and we start to vibrate in the same energy.

I'll give an example telling a little bit about what happened to me.

Protection Crystals

Citrine crystal is said to attract money. What happens is that citrine vibrates at a frequency that attracts money energy because its vibration brings mental clarity for you to be in the right place. right placeAt right time e doing the right thing. With that, if you know how to use citrine, it will bring prosperity to your life.

As I said before, I have always been passionate about all types of stones, including crystals.

At the beginning of 2018, I was living a very difficult financial situation because of some events that had happened in my life in the past and I was paying a high price for that learning.

I had already made a lot of progress, but the financial area was well compromised. So I started looking for solutions, and since I know that spirituality has the power to positively impact every other area of ​​life at the same time, I started researching for answers. I had a feeling there was something to be done, but I still didn't know what it was and I started my quest focused on finding a solution.

Protection Crystals

In one of the connections, my spirit guides guided me to work with crystals.

Then I remembered that I had a habit of collecting stones and crystals. I started to open the boxes looking for the stored crystals and, to my surprise, I had a lot more crystals than I remembered.

I did a lot of research, took several courses on crystals and it was then that I discovered that the citrine attracts money.

Well, it was money that I was looking for, so I started looking at my crystals more closely and discovered several citrus fruits that had been with me for years, only they were thrown inside a box.

Protection Crystals

I don't remember exactly when I took my crystals out of the boxes or when I started using citrus fruit in the right way, with the aim of attracting money, I just know that it happened at the beginning of the year.

I started to carry citrus fruit with me every day, and when we arrived in August, I received unexpected money of such an amount that I was able to pay all the debts that had been accumulating since the end of the previous year, and there was still an amount left that I he could live another three months without working if he wanted to.

With the use of citrine, I had clarity about what I needed to do and that's when I developed the habit of using crystals to protect my personal energy on a daily basis.

Every day, without exception, I make the circle with the protective crystals and, within the circle, I declare my intention for the day.

Citrus fruit is always with me too. Where I go, I always have citrus fruits close by, sometimes in my bag or on my desk, no matter where, they are always with me, because that way I can keep in resonance with the high-vibration energetic frequency of citrus.

Therefore, I strongly recommend that you make the circle of protection crystals and take care of your personal energy, but you have to do it every day.

Based on my experience with crystals and the transformative results they have brought to my life in such a short time, I developed the protective crystals online course, where I teach step by step how to work daily with the crystal circle to protect the personal energy, which crystals are indicated for this job and where to buy the crystal kit with a guarantee of authenticity of the parts.

If you like this subject and want to know more about protective crystals, visit my website and subscribe to my VIP List to receive valuable content about the fascinating world of crystals.

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