Productivity: How to stop suffering?

    Productivity: How to stop suffering?
    Who has never suffered for something that happens or has happened in life? Is there a simple and powerful way to avoid suffering? Something that makes us look at our problems differently?

    Creating expectations about things, situations or even people's behavior can generate frustrations when they don't happen the way we expected.

    Whenever this occurs, suffering arises.

    Shall we better understand how this mechanism occurs? Ricardo Reis will guide us in a reflection on suffering in the eighth video of the series Productivity. Take the opportunity and stop suffering!

    See the other videos in the Productivity series:

    | Video 1 | Video 2 | Video 3 | Video 4 | Video 5 | Video 6 | Video 7 | Video 9 | Video 10 | Video 11 | Video 12 | Video 13 | Video 14 | Video 15 | Video 16 | Video 17 | Video 18 | Video 19 | Video 20 | Video 21 | Video 22 | Video 23 | Video 24 | Video 25 | Video 26 | Video 27 | Video 28 |

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