Shamanism, the Sacred Path

    The therapist's path passes through the heart. He is the guide, the Master, he points us to the North, the direction to be followed, through an internal super-tool that is intuition.

    The enchantment we feel for certain healing techniques obeys a visceral call, which vibrates in every fiber of our being. We don't choose them because we find them simply interesting or very smart or because they are "in" but because a part of us is powerfully and irresistibly attracted to them.

    On second thought, or rather speaking from my Sacred Point of View, I think it's even the opposite: the techniques, the therapies, the cures choose us, because, in fact, we are the ones who need them, first and most — when the student is ready, the master appears, isn't that it?

    In this sense, for some time now, I have been studying and delving into Shamanism, which is one of the oldest spiritual and philosophical practices of humanity. The first records date back to 40 years ago in Siberia.

    Shamanism is the possibility of remembering our connection with nature, which offers us a great source of balance and healing. We carry in our DNA ancestral records of this connection. It's getting in touch with the Sacred that is within each of us and bringing that energy into our everyday life.

    Through native healing techniques, such as the Shamanic Journey, for example, which takes us to meet our Power Animal, through the beats of the drum, we travel to another world, where we can expand our consciousness, get in touch with what we have the most essential and strong in ourselves and return to this world more anchored in our truth. Power animals are our mirrors, reflecting our qualities and potentials, while showing us what we need to learn to heal at any given time. Each of them has a Medicine that guides and strengthens us in our journey here. They are loving and wise guides who show us the truth of our hearts.

    Shamanism opens doors to incredible experiences, allowing a deep tune with what is strongest, deepest, most essential, most true within us. It shows us the importance of staying connected to the Earth, to our beloved Mother Earth, who gives us sustenance, support and who generously offers her energy so that we can walk and fulfill our purpose, our life plan. When we no longer need to be here, physically, generously welcome our bodies, transforming us and allowing us to still live through everything we can nourish in this new condition.

    Shamanism is a way of life and makes us understand that we are attuned, synchronized, resonant with everything around us, plants, animals, minerals and everyone around us, forming a great cosmic web, in which we are all one. , in a great perfect unit and generator of energy and force, created by the Great Sacred - Wakan Tanka -, the Great Spirit.

    Shamanism, the Sacred Path
    Photo by Andrew James on Unsplash

    And what about the sound of the instruments of power, the drum and the rattle (maraca)? When the drum beats start, we feel transported, we remember that we are part of everything and those beats are the beats of our heart joined to the beats of Mother Earth's heart. The rattle emits such a strong vibration that, long afterward, we still have the feeling that our energy is expanded to infinity!

    Calling your attention, how many times in this text have you read the words “sacred”, “heart”, “energy”, “strength”?

    Shamanism is all that and beyond!

    I could say much more, but I let your curiosity be greater (laughs).

    What I can say, at this moment, with all my truth, is that I have the deepest admiration, respect, gratitude for this knowledge and I feel honored and very happy to be learning and walking this Path, the Sacred Path, the Path of Heart, which enchanted mine.


    • Images taken from the internet.
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