Pride, a thousand-headed monster!

Hello, friends of Eu Sem Fronteiras!

I hope you are all doing very well and on the path of evolution and self-knowledge. Today I'm going to talk about the pride, which prevents our walk from being lighter and calmer.

I'm going to start talking about 5 characteristics that are essential to us, great proud that we often put ourselves as humble and simple beings, hypocrites that we are! 

1. The proud do not recognize their imperfections: for the proud it is always the other's fault, he never makes mistakes, all the problems he goes through is always provided by another person, thing or system. He can't look inside himself and understand once and for all that everything we go through is and will always be a consequence of our choices and attitudes.

Pride, a thousand-headed monster!

2. The proud compare: when we compare ourselves or feel superior or inferior to the other. In the first case we will become arrogant, presumptuous, arrogant, vain and in the second we will feel like garbage, we will be jealous, we will not recognize what is good about us and we will surrender to negative energy and depression.

3. The proud judge: All kinds of judgments are made by us proud, not satisfied with the fact that others do not meet all our needs, or for putting ourselves as superior, or simply for projecting our content on people, we point the finger at our neighbor. And we forget that when we do this we are talking about ourselves. For those who want to delve deeper into the subject, I recommend an excellent video on projection, called โ€œThe Shadow Effectโ€:

4. The proud do not value what they have: we proud are always dissatisfied with the things we have and conquer, with the life we โ€‹โ€‹lead, we spend all our time complaining about everything and everyone without realizing how much life gives us every day. We don't see the beauty of nature, we don't thank you for the sun, for the rain, for life and for all the wonderful people who passed and / or are in our way. We just focus on the lack.

5. The proud are attached: we proud people don't have detachment, neither material nor affective, and even less than the most valuable thing we have, time. We are attached to our things and people. We treat the other as our possession and as a toy that should be available whenever we need it. Our time, then, is not even talked about, we don't donate it, we make it increasingly full of tasks, commitments and we stop helping those who most needed a smile, an ear or a word.

And the worst thing is that we still don't realize how proud we are, how much we have to walk and evolve. We consider ourselves simple, humble and deep down we are (some) desperately trying to destroy one of the thousand heads of this monster called pride. Evaluate yourself, look inside and not outside, stop pointing the finger at anyone. If life is bad, change and get out of the gains, take action and go in search of your happiness. Don't waste time, love yourself first and then love your neighbor and remember that you are where you are by your choice.

A kiss in the heart and until next time! 

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