Premonition through dreams

    Surely, you've had a dream that moved you, that made you wake up in the middle of the night scared, that you didn't remember at all the next day, or that you don't get out of your head for nothing. You too must have dreamed of someone and on the same day that person appeared; or dreamed of a baby and discovered that someone very close to her was pregnant. These are examples of premonitory dreams, which involve a situation that may happen in the future.

    Sometimes the messages appear in unusual symbols and situations, which if analyzed will certainly give a surprising answer to such a dream. This psychic force that happens in each of us, while we sleep, is able to access the future, predicting things that may happen based on what we live, think, feel and believe today.

    Premonition through dreams

    But then, what happens to our psyche while we sleep? According to the perspectives of Quantum Physics, the human being is bombarded by information, whether he is awake or asleep. When we are awake, our brain has the power to deny or not be interested in certain information. When we are sleeping, the mind is totally open, without any filters, and only captures contents.

    How about starting to give more importance to your dreams and develop more lucidity, even if unconscious? If you want to start a project in this direction, here are some tips:

    1. Write down everything you dream: symbols, phrases, numbers, including your sensations during the dream and after waking up.

    2. Try to decipher the symbols and their meanings, if you need help, look in books, etc.

    3. If you want to dream about something in particular, focus your thoughts for a long time on this subject.

    4. When you wake up, don't get up quickly, allow yourself an analysis of everything you saw during your sleep.

    5. Remember everything and feel what sensations and feelings you absorbed.

    6. Open your mind and receive without any restriction the information, after that, absorb it.

    Remember that dreams can be the door to new learning!

    Text written by Natalia Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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