Power animals: Tiger

Do you have a favorite animal or an animal you feel connected to in some way? According to shamanism, all people have a power animal, which is responsible for determining some of the characteristics that we should absorb in our personality and also helping us to become better people.

But anyway, what is a power animal? What is the meaning of having the tiger as a power animal? How can you connect to it? The time has come to clear all your doubts!

What is a power animal?

Shamanism is not an organized religion, but a set of beliefs that define a way of life that preaches that man and nature are not two separate things, but very closely connected. According to shamanism, everyone has three power totems, each associated with one of nature's kingdoms: Stone, Plant, and Animal.

According to this philosophy of life, the power animal is a spiritual archetype of our personality, so it is not a definer of who we are, but a symbol of the energies that can be found within us - often dormant - and that will guide our journey of life. self-knowledge and our choices in life.

Connecting with this animal, therefore, helps to clarify thoughts and feelings, as well as directing them in the right direction.

The tiger as a power animal

In some indigenous cultures, especially those that inhabited East Asia and regions of Russia, the tiger was considered one of the most superior animals in the animal kingdom. The Chinese, for example, claimed that he carried on his forehead a symbol known as "wang", that is, "king". Having the tiger as a power animal is, therefore, a demonstration of leadership characteristics and of nobility in the way you look at life. Both the tiger and the one influenced by it are β€œabove” certain situations.

Even in China, tigers were known for their medicinal properties, applied to this day by those who believe in the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine. A few thousand years ago, parts of this animal's body were used to manufacture medicines and elixirs that supposedly had healing powers. As the characteristic orange of these animals is known as a color of healing and regeneration, those who are influenced by the tiger as a power animal have the ability not only to reinvent their own lives, but also to heal and regenerate loved ones and environments they are a part of. .

Despite living in a pack, tigers usually walk with gender separation: males with males and females with females (and cubs). The two genera of the species usually only meet at the time of mating. This one says a lot about how people with a tiger as a power animal view love, relationships and sensuality: objectively and only when it's necessary or really very beneficial. These are people who don't usually get involved in casual relationships or who don't lead to the construction of something that promises to be lasting.

Power animals: Tiger
TheOther Kev / Pexels

Endowed with very active muscles and an impressive ability to move with speed, tigers will travel the distance necessary to find food for themselves and their cubs. This characteristic of obstinacy and determination is very present in the personality of people who have the tiger as a power animal, so they are people who, when they put a goal in mind, do not give up until they reach it and go for miles and miles with a smile. on the face, if they can visualize themselves conquering in the end.

Despite being also known for their strength, tigers are recognized as cunning, agile and silent animals, being able to approach prey very discreetly and almost noiselessly, despite their enormous size and physical capacity. This is another characteristic of people influenced by this animal: despite being determined and even obstinate, they do not usually talk openly about their plans and goals, because they prefer to pursue them in silence.

Finally, beauty is another trait present in tigers β€” and we're not just talking about beauty in the physical sense of their appearance, because their movements are usually beautiful and harmonious, as well as their relationship with their cubs or even the way they hunt. People influenced by this power animal, therefore, are often very balanced and naturally endowed with harmony in everything they do in their lives.

How do I find my power animal?

Unlike your sign in the Zodiac or the Chinese Horoscope, for example, it is not possible to know what your animal is without consulting a shaman master, who will promote your meeting with your Animal totem. So don't take tests online to find out what your power animal is.

Power animals: Tiger
Larisa Koshkina / Pixabay

When they do this, it ends up that people simply take a test or quiz several times to choose an animal they feel affinity or admiration for and end up working on an animal that is not their true power animal, which can be a great mishap in the journey of self-knowledge and finding harmony in your spirituality. After discovering that this was not your true power animal, feelings such as frustration and disillusionment may arise.

Contrary to what many think, there are no β€œworse” or β€œbetter” power animals than others. Yes, many people would love to have the lion or the eagle, symbols of strength, in common sense, as power animals, but these two animals are just as important, for example, as the hippopotamus or the giraffe.

And how do I connect with my power animal?

As a spiritual experience, connecting with your power animal is a unique and individual process. The moment your shaman master guides you towards meeting your power animal, he will guide you as to what you need to do to keep that connection alive after the initial contact, because connecting frequently with your power animal is what will keep your relationship alive.

If you make this first contact without the help of a shaman master, you may end up frustrated or not understanding how contact with a power animal works or you may even end up spiritually scaring your power animal. Ask your shaman master for advice and help on how to stay connected to your power animal.

As a tip, we can recommend meditation. The moment we close our eyes and β€œshut up” our thoughts, it is easier to enter into spiritual fullness and, consequently, to get in touch with all that is spiritual. You can, in the process of meditation, imagine yourself in the skin of your power animal, for example, hunting or running through the woods like him, flying or swimming... Anyway, it's up to your imagination and what to strengthen the bond between you. Imagining yourself approaching him and interacting with him is also another good tip for meditation times.

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Finally, having the tiger as a power animal is an indication of being a harmonious person in their movements through life, but also capable of regenerating the energy of an environment. In addition, they are animals that combine their strength and agility when reaching their goals with an almost absolute silence to keep these goals secret. Now that you know how the tiger manifests itself when it is a power animal, you can have a greater dimension of its influence in your life, if it is your power animal.

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