Power animals: Dolphin

Do you have a favorite animal or animal that you feel connected to in some way? According to shamanic philosophy, all people have a power animal, responsible for outlining some of the characteristics that we must assimilate in our personality and also for helping us to become better people and more connected to our essence.

But what, specifically, is a power animal? What are the characteristics brought by the dolphin as a power animal? How is it possible to connect with him if he is your power animal? Clear all doubts about it in this article.

What is a power animal?

Power animals come from the philosophy known as shamanism, which is a way of life that preaches that human beings and nature are one. When they live in harmony, both survive and absorb positive characteristics from the other, guaranteeing balance to the world. According to shamanism, all people have three power totems, each associated with one of the three kingdoms of nature: Plant, Stone and Animal. These totems help us in our self-knowledge processes and collaborate in directing our feelings and thoughts towards the changes we want to make and the paths we would like to follow.

For shamanism, the power animal, which is represented by the Animal totem, is an archetype of who we are and our personality, therefore it is something spiritual, not logical or rational. Discovering your power animal isn't like taking a personality test; it's more like finding a guide that can help you find the ideal path for your life and the traits you need to assimilate as they can be used to your advantage.

Dolphin as a power animal

When we think of dolphins, many analogies come to our minds. One of the most common - and which has a lot to do with how the dolphin influences people who have him as a power animal - is the way he acts in a synchronized and beautiful way when he is with his family. This characteristic makes people who have this animal as a power animal always in search of harmony and synchrony with other people and also with nature, after all, they are part of the whole.

Power animals: Dolphin

Another very striking feature of the dolphin is the sound it makes to communicate with other members of the species. For the person who has the dolphin as a power animal, therefore, communication is an extremely essential thing, because it is how they manifest what they are feeling and it is also how they connect to those who are important and are part of their journey. As they communicate a lot with each other, we can say that dolphins are animals that are not afraid to express what they feel at the exact moment they are feeling.

Did you know that dolphins are able to detect ultrasound waves, so they can sense, for example, a fetus still in the mother's womb? In addition, they are animals normally associated with something harmonious, not aggression, violence or brutality, so they symbolize, for people they influence as a power animal, a raised and intrinsic sensitivity, that is, which is an inseparable part of their personality.

Among marine animals, dolphins are among those that move the most and travel the most distances, so they can be associated with ideas such as freedom and the search for adventures, characteristics that are related to the dolphin as a power animal. Those who are influenced by this power animal don't usually sit still and are always looking for experiences, people and situations that stimulate them to be in touch with something new and moving.

Power animals: Dolphin

The dolphin also usually swims and lives in groups, which denotes another very striking trait in the lives of people influenced by it as a power animal: the desire to socialize, to participate and to be full of that joy that we only feel when we are creating and sharing. special moments with the people we love. This person, therefore, will be someone who loves to participate in social events and who finds any excuse to be close to a loved one.

Many people think that the dolphin spends most of its life playing, jumping, doing acrobatic movements and squealing around β€” and it's true! Dolphins are animals that have fun all the time and are always stimulating themselves so that they can feel good sensations. And that's how it is (or, at least, it should be) the people who have this power animal: light, always looking for fun, joy and happiness.

How do I find my power animal?

When we talk about the astrological Zodiac or Chinese Horoscope, for example, just our date of birth is enough for us to discover what our sign is and how it influences us. With the power animal, things are not that simple, because you need to consult a shaman master if you want to find out what your Animal totem is. The shaman master is the only one who can lead you towards this discovery.

Power animals: Dolphin
Lukas / Pexels

Many people try to discover their power animal through online tests and other tools that do not include being guided by a master shaman, but know that this is a mistake, because in this way, these people end up not discovering their true power animal. and end up connecting to another animal, which is not genuine. Dedicating your time to a power animal that isn't truly yours can be frustrating when you discover the mistake. So, before you can feel these negative feelings, consult a shaman master and discover your power animal.

Many people are surprised to discover that their power animal is, for example, a spider or a beaver, as lions, tigers and rhinos are much more imposing animals and they seem more pleasant to have as a power animal, but the truth is that all beings have their good points and there are no β€œbetter” or β€œworse” power animals, so open your mind to that.

And how do I connect with my power animal?

There is no definitive answer to this question because, like any spiritual experience, the connection with the power animal is unique and individual, with each person solely responsible for discovering in what way that connection might be possible. Of course, the master shaman who reveals your power animal will advise you on how to take the first steps towards this connection, but you will be the only one able to unravel and strengthen it.

It is important that you do not try to make the first connection with your power animal without receiving the help of a master shaman, because you may end up frustrated or disappointed with the results or even spiritually scaring your power animal. Ideally, the first contact should take place in the presence of the shaman master, who will then give advice on how to proceed with this connection.

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A good tip we can leave is meditation. Through it, you can "shut up" the stimuli of the real world and that make your mind sad, anxious or worried, making room for connection with spirituality. When meditating, you can imagine yourself in the shoes of your power animal, hunting in the woods or flying through the skies. You can also imagine yourself as a human being, approaching and establishing friendly contact with him. Look for the method of meditation that feels most pleasant and spiritually pleasurable to you.

If you already know that you have the dolphin as a power animal, it indicates that you are always in a good mood and constantly on the hunt for adventures and new experiences, especially if these situations can be experienced in a group, in the presence of the people you love. . Don't forget to connect with your power animal when possible so that you learn what it has to teach you.

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