Happiness can be a matter of point of view

Each of us has a unique perception of life, of how things happen. The impression that someone else's behavior will have on you may be quite different from someone else's perception. Your experiences, culture, feelings, in short, everything you have been absorbing information during your life have resulted in the person you are today and all this has an influence on your outlook on life.

Think about arguments you've had with someone regarding differing points of view. For someone else it may seem that a certain attitude was unimportant, while for you, that same attitude may have had a lot of impact. If you don't reach an understanding, a balance in your points of view, an animosity, a certain unease, remains.

Happiness can be a matter of point of view
RF._.studio / Pexels


When two or more people have different points of view they can seek an understanding. Even though each one continues to maintain their own impressions, they can find a compromise and create a balance. Regarding your point of view and happiness is not very different from the situation of misunderstanding with close people. The difference lies in the fact that events are what they are and will not change to suit us.

It may be that you are in conflict with something that has happened in your life, or even with the living conditions available to you. In this case, you basically have two ways of dealing with it and looking to feel good. The first refers to the things you can change, the second refers to the things you cannot change. There is also the possibility of a compromise between one and the other option.


Happiness can be a matter of point of view
Ekaterina Bolovtsova / Pexels

First let's talk about situations where the problem is something you can intervene in. Like when you feel bad about not having a car to get around, but there is a possibility that you will buy one in a while. You can choose to speak ill of life and the moment in which you live. You can look at the people around you who have what you don't and feel diminished or excluded in some way.

If you don't want to settle down and blame life, you can take action and create a plan of action. Determine what you need to do to acquire that car, do some financial planning, look for options and start walking this path in search of what you want. Depending on your way of looking at life, you will already feel better for having a plan and working to make it happen.

The second situation refers to a moment when you face something that is not within your power to change what happens. How is the pandemic situation, which puts us in isolation. You may feel caged, distressed, anxious about what may happen and experience various inharmonious feelings. Worst of all is perhaps getting lost and not knowing what to do.

In situations where you cannot change events, there is the possibility of changing your point of view. The way you look at the situation is the gateway to the sensations of your being. If all you see in the pandemic is despair and distress, that's how you will feel. On the other hand, if you can see opportunities like starting new habits, developing self-knowledge, studying and improving yourself, then the feeling is one of gratitude and grateful you will feel.

Do you remember that I mentioned that there may be situations that are a compromise between what you can change, or not, in the events of your life? Let's go back to the car example. In the first situation, you planned and programmed yourself to get what you want. You know that you will be able to change your current reality if you follow the path you have traced. There is no longer any reason to feel angry or uncomfortable.

However, depending on your way of looking at life, you may have realized that you don't need a car. That your need is to commute to work only. A bicycle, for example, would be a more economical and healthier way. In this situation you didn't get the car, but you also didn't stay in the same reality in which you lived. The middle ground was enough to make you feel good.


Happiness can be a matter of point of view
Vinicius Wiesehofer / Pexels

Perhaps the first thought that came to your mind as you read the last part about changing viewpoints is that talking is easy, but doing is hard. This thought is already a perception of your life that creates blocks and keeps you in the same situation. On the other hand, if you've already started thinking about ways to apply this, you're already making it happen. The fact is that changing your point of view on a day-to-day basis is a habit, and a habit is created by practicing consistently.

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The habit of gratitude is also a powerful ally in this change of state. As you begin to notice more of the things you have to be thankful for than the things you are unhappy about, the feeling of well-being takes over. Start with small situations and, over time, expand this new perception of life to everything in your routine and allow yourself to be happy.

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