Positive phrases to help with the law of attraction

One of the most logical things in life is: you attract what you emanate! To make the law of attraction work in your life, the first thing you need to do is take care of your vibrational frequency, because EVERYTHING is vibration! If your vibration is negative, you will attract negative things; if your vibration is positive, you will attract positive things. Know that the simple fact of verbalizing positive phrases with a great sentimental charge can change your energy field!

It all starts from the point that you desire: desire is born and fed by you, and it is you who decides what will happen next. The way you believe in something is what will lead your energies to attract or not what was desired to you. Beliefs are based on the assumption that first you are grateful, then you receive, that is, it is you who decides what you are going to attract!

Positive phrases to help with the law of attraction

Get inspired by these 20 positive phrases and make the law of attraction work in your favor! Channel all the true feelings that exist inside you and verbalize each of these phrases so that your vibrations are good!

1. I believe, I can, I can, I deserve it!

2. I am perfectly healthy and grateful for my health.

3. I always achieve all my goals.

4. I love and fully accept myself.

5. I like money and I attract riches into my life.

6. The Universe always conspires in my favor.

Positive phrases to help with the law of attraction

7. I attract good people into my life.

8. I want good, I plant good, I reap good!

9. I do everything with love.

10. I count joys, not problems.

11. Love is part of my life.

12. I am grateful to everyone and everything.

13. I ask and receive.

14. With each passing day, I prosper more.

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15. My mind, thoughts and emotions are perfectly healthy.

16. I am a winner.

17. My faith moves mountains.

18. I have the strength and ability to overcome life's challenges.

19. I have the power and ability to achieve all my dreams.

20. My body is healthy and my soul is peaceful.

Express good feelings with these positive phrases and accept all the good that the Universe can offer you!

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