Poetry as a way to exalt feelings

Much more than a composition, poetry is the portrait of the poet's soul, it is the fusion of two elements: emotions and words. Not necessarily found only in books, but also in movies. Therefore, in the film “Sociedade dos Poetas Mortos” the following statement is made: “Medicine, law, business and engineering are noble occupations to maintain life. But poetry, beauty, romance and love are reasons to stay alive.”

In this wonderful film, we can understand from the sentence above that the great thing about being alive is that we can feel our emotions. When this doesn't happen, know that something is wrong!

Regardless of the feeling, knowing that we have this characteristic, which is so intrinsic to the human being, makes us uniform. We are all capable of feeling, and why not show that feeling? You know, that's how poetry works, whatever the style, all poetry seeks to convey emotions and touch someone's soul.

Think about how wonderful it is to write something that many other people will relate to. Coincidence? Not really, and you know why?! We all have an immense network of feelings inside us, from the most obscure to the most beautiful, and it depends on each one of us to know which one we will be dominated by, that is, whether we will identify more with this one or that one.

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To make poetry it is only necessary to understand this question that many will say is subjective. I disagree! Poetry is very objective. I mean, you either feel it or you don't. Poetry needs to make someone read and think, rethink and think some more, just in case.

Do you understand? It is expressing feelings intensely and truthfully. Are you stressed, happy or lazy? Write about it. Poetry is like that, it is the harmonious union of words that form intense meanings. So know how to allow yourself to write, after all it doesn't hurt anyone, does it?! I leave you with the following reading:

Poetry as a way to exalt feelings

“Sweet future,

Why would you have loved him if you wouldn't have had him sweet for me?

Was I mistaken, projecting a future from my own perspective, or was it you who deceived me with this promising appearance? Enough! Millennia have passed and still you continue to deceive. You were the Big Ban, weren't you?! The adorable and mysterious great event of the universe!

Funny how you decided to be this complexity of what we call the future – or will it be the past? I don't think it's present, after all it would be much easier, wouldn't it?!

Your nature is deceptive, we do not understand it and we call it time. And what is the dreaded time that, out of idleness, limits itself to absorbing the vitality of beings, leaving them at the mercy of their own fate?

It is not made up of a date or time, but by irony of fate you were cornered by cunning technology, which manages to stop and perpetuate it in the most diverse ways. And is that its weak point: keeping itself between the most diverse times in the universe? Hilarious how you thought I was deceiving and it was you who were deceived!

I'm sorry, my dear. Restrain yourself in passing flowing and that, perhaps, you are cornered and have to serve the exhibitionism of beings. It's natural? In other words, having to monotonously guarantee presence in the most diverse generations, simultaneously? And that still, by the great revolution, now to be absent from its functions? I'm sorry to inform you, but since it's also part of the universe, a damn part, it's only fair that it has a punishment worthy: eternal fragmentation.

After all, you were the one who started it!”

  • Paola PrimĂŁo Correa
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