poet's soul

The poet does not need to drink to feel intoxicated.

You don't need drugs to be hallucinating.

From sleep to dream.

From traveling to see the world.

This he does without leaving the place.

Go to the moon with your imagination carrying you.

He lives in Love, with no one to love.

I smile at the sadness.

He is saddened by the euphoria.

Conversation with God and the Angels in the solitude of the desert.

Lonely, feels accompanied.

In the crowd, you feel alone.

The poet is mad, and in his madness he is wise.

See the beauty of the ugly.

The depth of the simple.

The good of the bad and the bad of the good.

The glow in the midst of darkness.

You find yourself when you feel lost.

And get lost when you find yourself.

poet's soul

Amid a whirlwind of emotions and feelings, the Poet's Soul dances, non-stop, until it calms down!

The poet lives death in Life and makes his home in Eternity.

The Poet's Soul feeds on the Source of Light and Pure Love that touches your sensibility and makes poetry flow!

Poetry in the form of gestures, words, movements or look, no matter how, the important thing is that feelings and emotions sublimate and touch beings!

The Poet's Soul inhabits every being, but in some it lives asleep and in others it is awake.

To wake her up, you cannot make noise or scream, on the contrary, it is in silence that she wakes up to reveal her mysteries to us!

And to communicate with our Soul, we need to be still!

The secrets of our Soul will be told to us without needing a reason to decipher them!

The poet's longing is to live free in the expression of his Love and to experience everything that enchants his heart!

The Poet's Soul crystallizes what lives inside him, through his creation!

For the poet, everything is magic and a manifestation of beauty and love!

Even pain and suffering the poet converts into poetry, art and wisdom.

Your sensitivity and creativity lead to Connection and Integration with the Creator, who moves and acts through LIFE throughout Creation!
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