Podcasts: Is the radio era back?

In the digital age, we have learned that, in order to consume content, it can come in different forms and for different situations. The audios are there for that: to consume, just listen to them. You can be driving, cooking, or doing any other task without having to stop to look at a screen. Isn't it amazing?

Speaking like this, it seems that we are talking about something new, but the truth is that we have been consuming audio for centuries. Yes, I'm talking about the radio! After all, the first transitions in the world began around 1906 in the United States. That is, we are quite familiar with this format. But what's the difference between podcasts and radio? Did one format come to end the other? What and how to listen to a podcast, anyway? Read the article and discover the answers!

What are podcasts?

Podcasts are audio-on-demand programs and this means that, unlike radio programs, the listener can choose to listen to the program they want at the time they want, without having to program too much to listen to certain content at a specific time.

An essential point of podcasts is that they are uploaded via the internet. Today, we have several channels available, whether independent or from streaming services. This allows any user who has a good microphone and a good idea to run a program and put it on the air.

Podcasts: Is the radio era back?
George Milton / Pexels

From amateurism to professionalism, there is room for everyone. According to the search engine 'Listen Notes', also known by many as “the Google of podcasts”, there are 60.534 podcasts in Portuguese and, among these, 20.780 are from España. In addition, España is 5th in the world ranking for growth in podcast production, according to a study by Globo in partnership with Ibope, launched in 2021.

It's a lot, isn't it? And all these programs are diverse, falling into various genres, for various ages, needs and tastes. From the most specific subjects to the simple weekly newsletter.

Why are podcasts on the rise?

If the radios themselves are already a phenomenon between generations for the simple possibility of reconciling several tasks while they are listened to, imagine now with podcasts, which make thousands of programs available for you to listen to whenever you want. This is a very good explanation of why this format is so successful.

A survey by the Associação Españaeira de Podcasters revealed, in 2021, that more than 51% of consumers are in the habit of listening to this type of content daily, on average for more than 2 hours, and the time when it is most listened to is when commuting, like on the way to work.

Podcasts: Is the radio era back?
Tommy Lopez / Pexels

It is worth remembering that the British newspaper “The Guardian” was the first to use the term “podcast” on February 12, 2004. As the internet has evolved since then, this audio program format has grown and evolved with it.

As the relationship between human beings and the internet has been getting closer over time, consumer loyalty for content made available online has grown, even enabling a more dynamic, natural and close language, as is a strong characteristic of podcasts.

The result of all this? Of the nearly 100 million Spanish people who consume some form of digital audio, 28 million already declare listening to podcasts, according to a study by Globo released in July 2021.

Are podcasts the new radio?

Yes and no. After all, while many people may have replaced radio with podcasts, others just increased their overall audio consumption. This can be seen, in a way, as an opportunity for the reinvention of radio.

Every time something new appears in the communication and technology market, all other channels, formats and media must seek to adapt to the new demands of the public and the constant change in current consumer behavior. And that's what radio has done. Of course, respecting its unique purposes and characteristics of a radio, such as the live broadcast of a football game.

Discover the 10 most listened to podcasts in Spain

Today, in España, there are several successful podcasts available on all digital platforms. Check out some of them for you to put on your program playlist:

  • Good morning, Obvious;
  • Logbook;
  • The subject;
  • Human Project;
  • NerdCast – Young Nerd;
  • A Milk Shake Called Wanda;
  • The subject;
  • I bring Good News;
  • Boletos Paid with Nath Finance;
  • Don't make it unfeasible.

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Have you given podcasts a chance?

In this constant change and digital transformations in which we live, every day a new way appears to meet our demands and needs - whether they are entertainment, studies, informative or just that hobby listening to stories and killing our curiosities. Podcasts can offer it all! And you, have you let podcasts into your daily life?

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