Plants for Anxiety and Fear

Each person's relationship to knowledge is different. For some, only what can be proven by science or that involves chemicals is true. For others, the knowledge that comes from indigenous peoples, the population or religion is what really matters.

Regardless of what a person's opinion is about the myriad forms of knowledge that exist, they are all valid and have pros and cons. Medicines produced in laboratories, for example, can cause adverse reactions in the body of those who ingest them, such as allergies, nausea and other problems.

On the other hand, natural products can also cause reactions, to a lesser extent, and may not work the same for everyone. Despite this, we cannot ignore the usefulness that medicines and plants and herbs have for a society. Keep in mind that we can always look at an issue from more than one perspective.

In the case of natural products, the knowledge that states which ones are best for our bodies comes from ancient civilizations, such as indigenous peoples, or develops from the trial and error of the population of a place. The uses of plants and herbs, in many cases, are also proven effective by scientific knowledge!

It is likely that you have already trusted a plant when it comes to treating a health problem or discomfort. How many times have you had peppermint tea to make your stomach ache, for example? Even without realizing it, most people understand that plants can have positive effects on our body.

Plants for Anxiety and Fear
Congerdesign / Pixabay

Phytotherapy, as the form of healing that consists of the use of plants with medicinal properties is called, is based on the composition of each ingredient to verify how they will be applied to a person's body and for what purposes they will work best.

From this, it is possible to find numerous natural products to treat different health problems. Remember to keep in touch with a healthcare professional to understand which are the best options for you and which products do not cause allergies for you!

If you are a person who suffers from anxiety and you already have medical follow-up to treat this disease, there are some plants that you can use to relieve the feeling of intense fear that this disorder causes. Or, if you're going through a stressful time in your life that will take a lot out of you, you can feel better about it with the help of herbal medicine. Check out!

The best medicinal plants to treat anxiety and fear are those that have calming properties. It is the slowing of your heart rate and the reduction of tension that will gradually make you feel better.

The calming properties can be found in plants such as chamomile, passionflower, valerian and lavender. All of these herbs allow your body to carry out routine activities with focus and tranquility, but some of them can stimulate relaxation to the maximum level, making you feel more sleepy.

Chamomile, passion flower and lavender are plants that have the property of calming without making you sleepy. They favor digestion and reduce the feeling that something important is going to happen at any moment. A hot chamomile tea is the best option before an important event or when your heart rate is racing.

Plants for Anxiety and Fear
A_Different_Perspective / Pixabay

The taste of lavender can be a little bitter or very floral, resembling some types of shampoo. So, many people may not want to ingest it in the form of tea. Other ways to use lavender are in the form of an essential oil, which should be spread on the hands and wrists, in the form of a candle, which can be lit in a room, or as a scent, in the place that makes you feel fear or anxiety.

Passionflower is a plant that has the property of calming a person's spirits and at the same time increasing the concentration that he will employ in an activity, that is, it does not bring drowsiness. It can be taken in capsules, available in pharmacies, but it is also an option for those who prefer a tea made from the plant.

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Regarding plants that can cause drowsiness, valerian is the best known. When a person feels anxious or afraid at bedtime, a hot tea from this plant will be an important agent in stimulating sleep. It allows you to sleep peacefully and relax more easily, making the feeling of anxiety go away.

If feelings of fear and anxiety are persistent in your life, it is recommended that you seek medical help to understand what is causing these feelings in you. It's not normal to notice your heart rate racing or to be afraid to do simple tasks like leaving the house. Take care of your health and use medicinal plants as a complement to treatment!

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