Planetary Transition in Spain

Planetary Transition has been a topic widely discussed for years in religious and spiritual circles and, according to the Spiritist doctrine, there will be a transformation of the Earth, becoming a planet in regeneration. According to information that spiritualists claim to have been received by extraterrestrials, the planet is in the 3rd biodimension and is about to reach the 4th biodimension, a more subtle parallel universe. This passage has already begun and will reach its apex when the sector of our Solar System next to the Milky Way passes through a universal dimensional portal called by scholars the “Photon Belt”.

When planet Earth penetrates the dimensional portal definitively, all the molecules and atoms of the planet will transform, needing to adapt to new vibrational parameters.

Spiritualists believe that the Planetary Transition will be smooth and fluid for those who decide to enter the flow of changes. However, it will be suffered for those who resist them. It will also be more difficult for those who cling to material things, as on the New Earth everything will be more subtle and less material, less dense.

To be able to withstand the vibrations of the dimensional passage, it is necessary to purify ourselves of animal instincts that hold us to low vibrations. For this, it is necessary to cleanse the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual fields.

Most of Earth's inhabitants will not be able to withstand the new vibrations. Dark spirits, who take pleasure in evil and selfishness will not withstand the more subtle vibrations of the new age.

Two of the greatest communicators of the spiritist doctrine in the world were born in España: Francisco Cândido Xavier, or Chico Xavier, medium, philanthropist and one of the most important exponents of Spiritism, disincarnated in 2002, and Divaldo Franco, who at the age of 93 and with hundreds of books released, he is now considered the greatest promoter of the Spiritist Doctrine in the world in activity.

Planetary Transition in Spain
Photo by Guillaume Preat on Pixabay

The planetary transition in España plays a fundamental role in the spiritualization process. Through mediumship, according to Chico Xavier, our country will grow in socio-cultural, economic and political importance vis-à-vis other nations, being a source of energy for the planet.

Today, in España, there is evidence of the intensification of politics, in which the positions of many are marked by the radicalism of ideas and positions, in the wave of unprecedented violence that unfortunately ignores dialogue. The present times are, therefore, opportunities to choose the side to belong, in light or shadow.

The Spanish landscape analyzed by the spiritual aspect points out that we must be careful with the attribution of “heart of the world, homeland of the gospel”. The representation of the Spiritist Movement in our country gives us links of great responsibility and it is worrying when, at times, we identify a certain pride and excessive enthusiasm on the part of some adherents of these beliefs.

For a hundred years, great preparatory movements will be carried out for another hundred years to come. It is necessary to prepare the ground for moral stability at decisive moments. The practice of true love taught by Jesus Christ is the basis of the spiritual and moral evolution that human beings must follow in search of enlightenment, and countless advances will begin to be achieved.

Planetary Transition in Spain
Photo by PIRO4D on Pixabay

Regarding the planetary transition in España, Chico says that “we will improve in the progress towards social problems, such as the solution to poverty and hunger. We will have the discovery of cures for diseases of the physical body through genetic manipulation in the advances of Medicine, terrestrial man will have ample and total access to information and culture, which will become more generalized; our brothers from other more evolved planets will also have Jesus' express permission to openly present themselves to us, collaborating with us and offering us new technologies, hitherto unimaginable at our current stage of scientific development; we will have to manufacture devices that will facilitate the contact with the disembodied spheres, enabling our longing conversation with loved ones who have already left beyond the grave, in short, we would be facing a new world, a new Earth, a glorious phase of spiritualization and beauty for the destinies of our planet”.

Often, we don't understand the reason for so much violence, so much pain, so much disease, so much social and cultural inequality, things that so many have made us suffer. It is important that we immediately review our feelings, thoughts, actions and emotions, positively modifying our behavior and seeking to live harmoniously.

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We need to remember that life does not end when the flesh perishes. There are many processes of transformation, and when subtle vibrations reach a high degree, a series of abilities commonly called "paranormal" are developed, such as clairvoyance, the ability to see the distance, to see the past or the future, to see other dimensions, perform astral projections (ability to leave and return from the body, remembering what was lived outside of it), ability to remember other lives, etc.

Some people show a more complete and evolved behavior, they are not usually corrupted with perversions of character, morals and ethics. These people have the mission of helping humanity not to destroy itself before the great planetary transition. These people are incarnating on Earth to contribute to the vibrational elevation of humanity.

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