Rediscovering yourself is an amazing thing

With so many roles in our lives, we ended up taking the lead role, among so many characters created, and putting our true essence aside. Our essence is fundamental to our entire history and life heritage.

So my suggestion is to do this rescue as soon as possible. Start with SELF-LOVE. Loving yourself is a fundamental requirement for loving others. And it is through this value that we are able to move forward with courage and confidence.

Rediscovering yourself is an amazing thing

Start by remembering who you are. Write down your qualities. You can even separate them into phases: qualities in childhood, adolescence, youth and so on.

Draw a heart on a sheet of sulfite and write down all the qualities you found. Strive to write at least 30.

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You can even dare and ask the closest people to write what your qualities are (how they see you) and send you by email, WhatsApp, letter, it doesn't matter how, you just need to receive it. We are always surprised by what others think of us. This experience is wonderful.

Always have a moment with you: do what you like without caring about people's opinion. No blame.

Recognize who you are. Accept yourself and don't blame yourself all the time. We are not perfect and this is all natural. We can live happily with virtues and defects. Accepting that is half the way to loving yourself.

Give yourself a gift today. Make this treat! You deserve!

Rediscovering yourself is an amazing thing

When we love each other, it's easier to love each other, so leave all the past behind and call friends you want to talk to or a relative you haven't seen in a while, make appointments, listen to that song you haven't heard in a while, remember stories, smile, cry, appreciate simple things, put your goals on paper and go after what you really want.

Carpe Diem! Be happy! Long live you!

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