Pink October – Pomegranate: the fruit that is anti-cancer

With the objective of making the population aware of the early detection of breast cancer and cervical cancer, actions are developed around the world for the Pink October campaign.

Consuming foods, especially fruits and vegetables, with properties that help prevent cancer is one of the ways to avoid the disease. A fruit that can help in this regard is the pomegranate.

Discover the relationship between October Rose and this important millenary fruit.

the pomegranate

The pomegranate (Punica granatum) is the fruit of the pomegranate tree, whose origin dates back to 2.000 BC in Persia and was brought to España by the Portuguese. Here it is more common in the states of the South region, occurring in much of the country. The most common varieties of the fruit in the country are yellow and red.

Pink October – Pomegranate: the fruit that is anti-cancer
DAPA Images / Canva / Me Without Borders

The pomegranate tree is a shrub of five meters in height, on average, it adapts well to tropical, subtropical and semi-arid climates. The leaves are entire, elongated, smooth, shiny and light green in color. It has orange flowers that can be hermaphroditic. It does best in well-draining soils rich in organic matter. It is a plant of great beauty used in landscaping and ornamentation. Around three years after planting, the fruits can be harvested.

The pomegranate is a spherical, thick-skinned, yellow-green or pinkish berry. Inside are many seeds, covered by a watery pulp, crimson in color, with a sweet and astringent taste, very refreshing, wrapped in a thin yellowish film. It opens spontaneously when it reaches maturity.

The fruit, very symbolic, is described in the Talmud, in the Bible, was used in funerary rituals by the ancient Egyptians among other historical passages. In Spain, consumption is more common on New Year's Eve festivities, as it is believed to bring prosperity for the new year. In Arab countries it is part of the daily cuisine.

The pomegranate rinds, fruits, leaves and root are the parts of the pomegranate tree that can be used both in food and for domestic medicinal applications.

Pink October – Pomegranate: the fruit that is anti-cancer
Canva / Me Without Borders

Pomegranate peels, pulp and seeds are used as a remedy against diarrhea, respiratory diseases, microbial and parasitic infections, dysentery, colic, headaches, allergic dermatitis and in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity.

Considered a superfruit, the pomegranate has more than eighty phytochemicals and micronutrients. It contains complex carbohydrates, mineral salts such as iron, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and sodium. It is a source of two types of polyphenolics with high antioxidant content such as anthocyanins and tannins, such as the important ellagitannin. It has more potent antioxidant function than red wine and three times more effective than green tea extract.

Pomegranate is rich in vitamins B1, B2, C, E and coenzyme Q10, an antioxidant that fights free radicals, essential for heart function, blood pressure regulation, brain and skin protection and muscle regeneration.

Spain is the biggest exporter of the fruit, followed by Turkey and Tunisia, while England is the biggest consumer, mainly in mining areas, because the pomegranate is rich in manganese, beneficial against contamination by heavy metals.

the pink october

The month of October was chosen internationally for the Pink October campaign and associated with the color pink, a symbol of the female universe, to make women aware of the prevention and early diagnosis of breast cancer, in order to minimize the lethality of the disease.

According to the report by INCA (Instituto Nacional de Câncer José de Alencar Gomes da Silva), of the Ministry of Health, “Estimate 2020 — Incidence of Cancer in Spain”, the estimate for the triennium 2020-2022 in Spain is more than 66 thousand new cases of breast cancer, being the most frequent in all Spanish regions.

In relation to cervical cancer, included as a focus of combat in the Pink October campaign, as of 2011, the estimate in the same triennium is approximately 16.500 new cases. It is the third type of disease that most affects women in Spain, after breast and colorectal cancers.

A healthier diet, combined with other forms of prevention, helps to reduce the likelihood of having breast, cervical and other cancers.

The relationship between the pomegranate and October Rose

Research on the properties of plants to combat and cure various diseases of concern around the world, such as cancer, is increasingly intensified, conducted by large laboratories, research institutes and universities.

Pomegranate, considered for thousands of years as a fruit with medicinal properties, has also been studied, with evidence of results related to the fight against cardiovascular diseases and anti-aging.

Pink October – Pomegranate: the fruit that is anti-cancer
Joshua McKnight / Canva / Me Without Borders

According to the research “Pomegranate-derived ellagitannin compounds exhibit antiproliferative and anti-aromatase activity in breast cancer cells in vitro), published in January 2010 by the scientific journal “Cancer Prevention Research”, pomegranate contains phytochemicals, including most significantly, ellagitannin, which can inhibit the action of estrogen, the main fuel for breast cancer, because it acts as a blocker of the aromatase enzyme used by the body to produce the hormone. Despite the promising results of the research, there is still a need for validation for humans.

A study “Pomegranate Fruit Juice for Chemoprevention and Chemotherapy of Prostate Cancer”, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, published in the academic journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Science”, in October 2005, revealed that tests done with rats showed a reduction in the rate of multiplication of cancer cells, when pomegranate extract is administered, which can be an aid to delay the progress of prostate cancer, target of the Blue November campaign, being a hope to promote the quality of life of patients.

Some properties of the fruit influence the biochemical processes involved in tumor growth, angiogenesis and metastasis. The seed oil and the polyphenols in the juice slow down the oxidation and synthesis of prostaglandin, which inhibit the proliferation and invasion of cancer cells, and can be an ally in the fight against breast cancer.

Prevention of breast cancer and cervical cancer

Including pomegranate in the diet helps the person stay healthy against the main types of female cancer and other diseases, a behavior that should be associated with regular diagnostic exams and periodic consultations with the specialist doctor.

The best way to consume the fruit is “in natura”, in which all the properties are maintained and easily used by the body.

Pink October – Pomegranate: the fruit that is anti-cancer
DAPA Images / Canva / Me Without Borders

There are several preparations for salads, vinaigrettes and desserts that incorporate pomegranate very well, whose skin and leaves can be used in an infusion to make teas. The pulp can be used in juices, being quite refreshing and the seeds can be consumed wrapped in the pulp in salads.

Actions to prevent and combat the main types of female cancer, which are the focus of the Pink October campaign, include making public information that can contribute to raising awareness among all, including men, and to adopting a behavior that values ​​life. .

Adopting a balanced, healthy and nutrient-rich diet is part of life maintenance behavior. Inserting the pomegranate, symbolic and historical fruit, reason for studies to combat various diseases is a good resource for this purpose.

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In conclusion, the pomegranate is a tasty fruit, which does not require great preparations and can be a great ally in the fight against cancer, but it cannot be a substitute for the behavior of consulting a doctor, performing preventive exams for breast and cervical cancers. , nor replace any treatment.

If you are a woman reading this article, do your part in preserving your health and your life. If you're a man, support the women you love to prevent breast and cervical cancer. In this fight, all efforts are valid.

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