Pineal Gland, the hidden power of the human being

A gland that exerts a strong influence on spirituality? Not believing? So, read this exclusive content and learn the what is the pineal gland, why it is considered the “third eye” and how you can activate it.

What does the pineal gland do?

The name pineal comes from the Greek word pineallis, which means “pinecone-shaped”. It is the size of a pea, is located near the center of the brain, at eye level and produces melatonin, a hormone that regulates the biological clock, sleep, digestion and helps prevent headaches, depression and even Alzheimer's disease. .

A pineal gland or epiphysis was considered unimportant, however, studies indicate that the high production of melatonin in children delays puberty, which prevents tumors in this gland, usually related to early sexual development.

Pineal gland, the seat of the soul

For the philosopher and mathematician Renê Descartes, “there would be a gland in the brain that would be the place where the soul would settle more intensely”. The association between the pineal gland and spirituality is also in yoga. For the ancient Indian meditation technique, the gland is seen as the "third eye", it brings self-knowledge to practitioners and allows the journey to other dimensions, the so-called astral travel or projection. Another citation of this connection is in the spiritist work “Missionários da Luz”, a spiritist book psychographed by Chico Xavier.

They want to destroy the pineal gland

In the 90s, scientist Jennifer Luke investigated the effects of sodium fluoride on the gland. She found out that the pineal gland it is the part of the body that most absorbs the substance present in cola-based soft drinks, toothpaste, mouthwashes and drinking water.

Pineal Gland, the hidden power of the human being
Pixabay / Pexels

Fluoride began to be added to water in the 30s by the World Health Organization (WHO) to prevent cavities. However, there are studies that contest the effectiveness of the substance. Cochrane, an NGO present in more than 130 countries, formed by doctors and researchers, considers that there is no evidence that proves fluoridation as an adequate method to reduce cavities.

In addition, the substance still alters brain chemistry, according to research from the Harvard School of Public Health and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. The researchers concluded that fluoride binds to lead and mercury, which can reduce IQ (intelligence quotient) and also impair fetal brain development. Countries like Canada, Finland and the United States are decreasing this procedure, but due to the increase in Alzheimer's cases.

The World Health Organization clarifies that the recommended thing is to have one part of fluoride per million of water. A water still can remove or lessen excess fluoride, but holy basil also does the job well, says the University of Rajasthan in India. Researchers at the institution put 75 grams of the plant in 100 ml of water with 7 parts of fluoride, and after 8 hours they saw that the levels of the substance dropped dramatically.

How to activate the pineal gland?

By activating the “third eye”, you achieve self-knowledge and feel divine euphoria. For Sérgio Felipe de Oliveira, an expert on the subject, the gland can be stimulated by mantras. But, we teach another way of Stimulate the pineal gland:

1. Take a white, purple or gold candle (colors that refer to spirituality). Place on a table 1 meter away from you, below eye level.

2. Look at the candle and close your eyes after a few minutes. With your eyes closed, the flame will take the form of a small point of white light. Focus on that point of light.

3. The light will be able to move up and change color. When she's gone, she opens her eyes and looks back at the candle.

  • Find out what meditation can do for your body
  • Pay attention to mudras, the sacred gestures that benefit health
  • Promote balance in your body with chakra affirmations!

Do the exercise three times.

Quer know more about the pineal gland? We have another content prepared with love for you: Pineal Gland: our third eye.

Happy reading!

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