Phrases that reveal who you are

Phrases that reveal who you are

One of the ways we communicate our thoughts, our feelings and our worldview is through words. We even need them to say what we don't like or to say that we are unable to verbalize something. Have you ever thought about it? Saying "there are no words to describe what I feel" is a way of using words to translate how unique and special this feeling is, for example.

Once we learn to use words like “yes” and “no” during childhood, we develop the ability to create sentences. They are the ones that help us to communicate our ideas and provoke different types of relationships, since words alone are not always capable of producing meaning.

Offensive phrases will make another person feel bad when talking to you, while kind phrases will create a sense of well-being wherever you are. And we are often misunderstood because we didn't know how to formulate a sentence correctly. In other cases, however, a well-crafted sentence is capable of moving, amusing, and enchanting.

Based on the phrases a person chooses to use, we can understand a lot about their character. It's possible to identify if she is affectionate, fun, lively, contained, extroverted, introverted, shy and more! If you've never stopped to observe this, keep reading the text and discover what each sentence can reveal about your personality!

1 – “I love you”

“I love you” is a phrase that can generate a series of feelings. When spoken with sincerity, if the feeling is reciprocated, this phrase can provoke joy, ecstasy, passion and even more love. It can be exchanged by family members, friends and lovers in this case. If you say “I love you” very truthfully, you are someone who is responsible for the feelings of others and who acts with loyalty.

However, when a person says “I love you” with the aim of manipulating the other or because he feels the obligation to do so, a phrase that could be very positive turns into a very harmful illusion. If you've already said "I love you" without actually experiencing that feeling, know that you still need to improve your character. It's important to tell the truth, because a lie, even if it's well-intentioned, will only hurt you in the long run.

2 – “I don’t trust anyone”

It is very common to hear from a person a phrase such as "I don't trust anyone". Based on this, we can deduce that she has been deceived many times or that her trust has been traumaticly broken, with irreparable consequences. For a person to lose trust in anyone else, it is clear that he has already been very disappointed.

If you are the person who always says "I don't trust anyone", a good option is to seek psychological help. It's not good to be a person who can't share thoughts and feelings with others, who doesn't feel comfortable doing so. Investigate what makes you that way and transform yourself for the better!

3 – “He/she is worthless”

In no context will saying the phrase “He/she is worth nothing” be a positive attitude. Regardless of what happened to you, defaming another person based on your opinion and experience says more about you than someone who is supposed to be worthless. Seek help to better deal with this trauma and let go of the grudge that is consuming you!

If you hear “He/she is worth nothing” from someone, you already have a certain distrust of him/her. If she is talking bad about someone else to you, what guarantees that she won't say the same thing about you to another individual when you walk away? Talking bad about others is not a good sign!

4 – “I am sincere”

A person who needs to say how true he is may be facing a problem, after all, why does he need to say something that should be noticed? The phrase “I am sincere” seems harmless, but it is a sign that the person who said it may be trying to create an image about them that does not match reality.

However, there are cases where someone says “I am sincere” to reaffirm an opinion or a thought. Usually, by the context of the conversation, it is possible to identify when the person is really speaking the truth. We just can't confuse sincerity with rudeness!

5 – “I love you”

In most cases, translating how we feel about another person through a sentence is not a negative thing. We can use kind words to do this and choose the right time to avoid embarrassment. So an “I adore you” can be a sincere and affectionate phrase if you have a positive relationship with the person who told you that.

If you are the person who always uses “I adore you”, it is possible to interpret that you are an outgoing and loving person, who has a lot of affection to distribute. But using this phrase ironically will be very damaging to your relationships. Always opt for sincerity, without aggression.

6 – “I don’t care about anyone in my life”

Isn't it a little hard to believe that the person who says "I don't care about anyone in my life" is telling the truth? One can use this phrase to convey an image of independence and invincibility, as if nothing and no one could reach the person who used the expression. However, making a point of other people is something natural to human behavior, it is not a defect or a sign of weakness.

Think if you've ever said "I don't care about anyone in my life" in a moment of anger. Maybe you regretted it right away, maybe not. Either way, it's important that you understand that liking other people and wanting them to be by your side is essential!

7 – “A part of me trusts you, the other doesn’t”

The phrase “One part of me trusts you, the other doesn't” is based on an assumption that is not true. A person cannot be divided into two or small parts, especially so that each new piece feels a certain way. So there's a very good chance that she doesn't really trust you and that she said she partially trusts you so she doesn't hurt you.

Even with the best of intentions, you shouldn't say, "One part of me trusts you, the other doesn't." This will confuse the person listening, and it is not entirely sincere on your part. Use the correct sentence to express what you feel!

8 – “I only respect my mother”

If you've ever heard someone else's “Just Respect My Mom” put a red light on them. The respect we have for people should not be specific or centered on who gave us life. Someone who has a good character understands the need to treat everyone with dignity, not just the ones we love.

Instead of saying, “I only respect my mother,” if you've already done so, reflect on all the people in your life and the stories of all of them. Living is a challenge for everyone, which is why we need to treat each one with importance and value, regardless of whether they are our family members or not.

9 – “But I helped you that time”

When we help a person, we should do so out of altruism or kindness, not because we expect to receive something in return. So, the phrase “But I helped you that time” carries with it a sense that distorts kindness into an exchange of favors that was never agreed upon.

Saying “But I helped you that time” to get someone to do something of yours shows that your kindness was insincere and that you only cared about your best interests rather than really wanting to help someone else.

10 – “You never do what I ask”

A very common phrase is “You never do what I ask”, usually said when one person refuses to do something that the other demands. Usually whoever says this is creating emotional blackmail to manipulate another person, which is never an example of good character.

If you've ever said, "You never do what I ask," avoid doing it again. Explain to the other person why they should do something for you objectively and politely, without trying to make them feel bad. You know she'll feel better if she's treated kindly and she'll probably help you out!

11 – “Thank you for being by my side”

A person who is able to recognize what others do for them is someone who should always be by our side. It is based on gratitude that we build friendly, pleasant and true relationships. So the phrase "Thank you for being by my side" carries the best energies one can convey.

Incorporate the use of "Thank you for being by my side" in your life to demonstrate how happy you are with the people who really matter to you, who support you and who help you with everything you need.

12 – “Do you want to talk about it?”

When we see a person going through a bad situation, it is more respectful to use the phrase “Do you want to talk about it?”. It shows that you respect her time and space, even if you're worried about what's going on. Using this phrase is a very gentle way of showing attention and care.

The next time you want to help someone in a situation, use “Do you want to talk about it?” so that the person knows they can open up to you, while not having to if they don't want to.

13 – “I need to be alone”

There are situations in our lives that cannot be translated or explained, and we often need time to process what has happened. So saying "I need to be alone" is not a sign of contempt or rudeness, it's a sincere request for more time and more space.

If you feel like no one will be able to understand what you're feeling at a moment or if you want to put your feelings in place before contacting someone else, say "I need to be alone" without fear!

14 – “I Don’t Want To Do This”

A person who says "I don't want to do that" is a person who loves himself, respects his own limits and doesn't accept what doesn't do him good. It can often be interpreted as rude or mean, because we learn that we must always be available for other people. But this sentence is a very positive sign!

So, if you don't want to do something, use the phrase "I don't want to do that" with the awareness that this is your right and that it's okay not to want to do something. Even because each one is in a way and has their own preferences!

15 – “I don’t like you”

“I don't like you” is a phrase that never sounds good, because it's always best to get along with everyone. But sometimes the sincerity of a negative sentence is better than the falsehood of a beautiful sentence. If someone said that to you, walk away from the person and get on with your life, no problem.

If someone in your social circle doesn't like you very much and is trying to force the friendship, an "I don't like you" will help you communicate to the other person that, in this case, the approach is unwanted.

16 – “You could make a change in the look”

“You could make a change in the look” and any sentence like that, which seems like advice, is nothing more than a judgment. Never make suggestions about someone else's appearance because you don't know how they feel about you.

If someone has already said, “You could make a change to your look” to you, let them know that you felt bad about that comment and that you wish it weren't made again, as it demonstrates a lack of sensitivity towards you. Do not approach this person!

17 – “You are important to me”

The phrase “You are important to me” is essential in any kind of positive relationship. It is through her that we show how we feel about someone and how significant that person is to our life. When said honestly, this phrase can transform someone's day.

It is important to point out that you should never say "You are important to me" just to avoid hurting someone's feelings, because creating an illusion is a much more painful way to hurt. Only say this if it's really what you feel!

18 – “I love myself first”

Although it sounds selfish, the phrase “I love myself first” is the best indication of a person's character. If we are not able to love who we are, we cannot love anyone else. So cherish those who went through this process of self-knowledge and developed self-love!

If you never had the courage to say "I love myself first", even though you feel it, rescue all your strength and be proud of your process of recognizing yourself, respecting yourself and putting yourself first.

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These are some warning phrases for you that you've heard from so many people and missed it. You often stay quiet and when you go to see your own life it gives you proof that certain people don't deserve your time. We must always open our eyes to the things that happen to us constantly.

Most important of all is to value yourself. No one needs to humiliate themselves to get someone's attention or love. People are what they are and we must accept that. We cannot embrace the world alone thinking that we will solve all the problems and even worse, thinking that we can change the people we love.

It really isn't easy to be despised by someone we love so much, but self-love comes first. If you don't love yourself, who will love you? Surely you've heard this from someone and you can be sure, that person really likes you. People only affect you, positively or negatively, if you let them.

Eliminate negative people from your life and be happy. 

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