Law of Attraction: Changing Your Reality

A concept that is already well known, but not always very well understood, the Law of Attraction has always been at work in our lives. Once you are aware of it, you can use it to your advantage.

The most widespread idea when talking about the Law of Attraction is that it is possible to achieve what you want through the training of thoughts, that is, to focus your thoughts on something you want and leave the realization of what you want in the hands of the Universe. if you crave.

This way of thinking about the Law of Attraction causes many people to put aside the belief that it can actually change their reality in some way. Each person perceives the world in a different way and needs different elements in order to understand something.

People who don't need much grounding to believe and are more focused on feeling, on faith, follow the belief in the Law of Attraction. However, they are not always able to make use of it and obtain tangible results in their lives. Would it be a case of doubting the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is part of the process

It's very comfortable to think that it's enough to mentalize something for it to become reality. It's normal to be attracted to comfortable situations, in which we don't need to expend a lot of effort. It is the law of least effort in action seeking to preserve us from unnecessary energy expenditure (for our survival).

We're not talking about survival, but creation, having the power to alter reality itself. In this case, you can't think of creating something by remaining inert, letting the Universe move while you don't make any movement.

Law of Attraction: Changing Your Reality
Anastasia Shuraeva / Pexels

In the absence of movement, which follows mentalization, many people fail to obtain the benefits that the Law of Attraction can provide. Mentalization is part of the process, the beginning of everything, but it depends on a sequence to come to life.

It's easy to understand this process when we pay attention to things around us. Everything that exists goes through a similar process. When you want to achieve something, find a solution or build something, you must first of all mentally visualize what you are looking for.

creative action

It is in the mind that everything begins. Having mental clarity and focus on what you want will give the direction of your movement. As soon as you keep your thoughts focused on something that is important, you tune into that frequency.

Attraction will lead you to people, situations and events that have frequencies similar to the one you are holding. But understand that there needs to be a movement on your part for a reaction to happen.

Imagine a person who wants to build a house. The first thing she will do is mentally visualize the house the way she wants it. The more details and the more emotionally involved that person is, the greater the drive and attraction they will generate to achieve that goal.

Law of Attraction: Changing Your Reality
cottonbro / Pexels

But this house will not be built alone, it is necessary for the person who wants to build the house to plan, have money available, start building the house alone or hire labor for it. The Law of Attraction is present, attracting people who can help in this process, as well as opportunities to achieve what you are looking for.

Take care of your mental pattern

If you are mentalizing and generating actions towards what you want, and, even so, you are not getting positive results, this may be due to the type of mentalization you are emitting. Using the house example, if you want to have a dream house, but your thoughts are wrapped up in fears of not getting it, in fears of everything going wrong, then your thoughts are going in that direction.

Beware of the mental pattern you are experiencing. As much as you have in mind the goal you want to achieve, if that goal is surrounded by fears, limiting beliefs and lack of confidence, it will be with these elements that you will be feeding future events. You can't want to eat a delicious strawberry cake if in the recipe you replace the strawberries with lemons or the sugar with salt.

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Perhaps the biggest challenge in putting the Law of Attraction into practice is not the action that starts it, but keeping a pattern of positive thoughts about what you want. It is important to understand that you attract what you send out. With that in mind, you pay more attention to your thoughts and how they influence your actions.

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