What will this new year be like, starting from 2022?

    What will this new year be like, starting from 2022?

    Two years ago, I made a video on my YouTube channel with the following question: “What will 2020 be like? Here's the question that won't shut up!”. And today I am here to ask you the question: what will your year 2022 be like? What will your new year be like? Here's the question you can't shut up!

    Well, folks, making predictions, consulting something that can predict fate is already something almost worldwide. I'm not going to say it's just cultural, just about España, because, I believe, that's part of the whole world, if not most of it. And I confess to you that sometimes I even want to know what my year will be like. What will the money issue be like, what will the relationship, health and professional issue be like. We all want to know what our life will be like, what our future will be like. Even those people who don't believe in predictions want to know too. And of course we respect all people. And there are those who do not believe. It doesn't matter. But deep down, deep down, deep down, all people want to know, yeah, what her next year will be like, what her life will be like, if she will succeed in a certain area, if she will be successful or not in a certain area. , if she will achieve that goal she has been striving for for so long, if she will be able to solve a family, health issue or get that job she's been looking for so much. Because? Because the goal of humanity, no matter what race, no matter what country, no matter what religion, no matter what your political options or whatever your life choices are, every human being on the face of the Earth wants and seeks to be happy. . I want to be happy and I believe you want to be happy too.

    There is one very important thing for us to take with us throughout our existence on this Earth, which is the knowledge and conviction that we create our destiny at all times! I'm creating my destiny right now, as I'm here recording this video for you, talking to you. I am creating my destiny in a certain area of ​​my life. In that case, it's my professional area. I'm contributing in some way to this.

    We, at all times, are creating our destiny. If I, for example, decided now to go to my living room, lie down and watch Netflix, I would be creating my destiny; or if I decided to change country, change house, change relationship, I would also be creating my destiny. These latter decisions are more elaborate, more serious and “more important”. But it doesn't matter if my decisions were about simpler things or more serious things, I would also be creating my destiny. It doesn't matter. Everything we do, we create our destiny.

    When I choose to eat a certain way, if I have certain food choices, I am also creating my destiny related to my health. When I choose a certain type of behavior or not, I am also creating my destiny. And that's what I wanted to bring to you today: as much as there are trends and predictions about the year 2022 being a certain way (because we follow all the world events that have been happening over these two years); As much as there are trends for the year 2022 to be in a certain way for the general population, we need to be convinced that, as much as there are predictions, we shape our destiny through our actions, our attitudes and choices we make in our lives. KNOWING THAT IS EMPOWERING. Because? Because when I have this awareness that I create my destiny through my attitudes, thoughts, words and actions - especially actions -, I have a strength, I bring to myself the strength to work in my life to solve what I want. I don't like it, to solve what has brought me a certain degree of dissatisfaction, sadness or blockage, whatever it is that is not cool in my life. I bring myself the responsibility, I bring myself the power to do things differently. And that makes me great, that makes me stronger, that's fuel to work for development, growth, improvement and changes in my life.

    It doesn't matter how long the changes will take to happen. When we are working towards these changes, when we are doing our part; whether that part is on the professional side, whether through a study or simply doing something spiritual (sometimes doing our part is simply taking care of our spiritual field). Sometimes, we have already done everything in our life, in the material field as well. For example: suppose that I really wanted to have won a job in the year 2021 and that I didn't get that job or the realization of some kind of project. Suddenly, in the year 2021, I've done everything as they say: "Everything the costume says." Everything I was supposed to do, I did. I did the courses, I did the specializations, I did networking, I did the interactions, I studied, that is, I had action, but let's suppose that, even so, I couldn't. My wish didn't come true in the year 2021. Maybe I wanted to have a relationship, and I spent the whole year alone or maybe I spent the year in a stressful relationship, which brought me annoyance, or in an abusive relationship, maybe a relationship that I didn't wanted more. Maybe I wanted to find someone who resonates with me, so that I can be happy… Or maybe I wanted a cure for a certain problem that is in my health — and I changed my diet, I'm doing all the treatments, but nothing happened in the year 2021 .

    Maybe it's your case. Maybe you didn't get that job, the realization of that project you wanted so much and for which you've been fighting for years... Maybe the health you've been looking for is still not the way you would like... Maybe the relationship, that love you so much I wanted to have it, it hasn't arrived yet... Maybe that change... that transformation... that achievement... hasn't arrived yet; even though you are doing everything you believe in... you believe, but if your life is still not going the way you would like it is because there is still something that needs to be done. It doesn't matter if it's in the spiritual or material field. There is always something that needs to be done; because when we are dissatisfied in some area or aspect of our lives, it is because there is still something that needs to be worked on.

    We human beings are not born to be dissatisfied. Problems and challenges, as I always say in all my videos, will always come up. We can solve a problem today, some time passes and another appears, because this is part of our process of growth and evolution as earthly or terrestrial beings. It's no use for us to believe that our life will follow in a linear, straight and straight way, without anything happening that will cause us some kind of discomfort, pain or challenge. Folks, it doesn't exist. But also living in that circle, just like the hamster's wheel, without leaving the place, in that circle of unhappiness, in that circle of disturbances, in that circle of challenges, negativity, low frequency, bad energies, beliefs, blockages... It's not normal either! This is not natural for humans.

    Our goal is to feel life, to live life, to be happy. And we can, yes, achieve that, but for that we need to take ownership! We have to take possession of our right to be happy, our right to enjoy all the spiritual and material blessings of life. YOU HAVE TO ASSUME IT FOR YOURSELF. It doesn't matter what problem you are facing right now in your life. If it's financial, if it's relationship, if it's your health, if it's your family, if it's your child, if it's your profession. It doesn't matter. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE HAPPY. You have the right to be happy. And you have to own that for things to start happening in your life! But I want you to understand that it's not just you saying, “I take over! I deserve to be happy!” NO! IT'S TO TAKE POSSESSION AND INTROJECT THAT INSIDE YOURSELF. Bring that responsibility inside you, the responsibility to be happy is yours.

    I tell you this, people, after a lot of pain and suffering that I went through in my life. It took me a while to discover that, in my life, the only person responsible for my happiness was myself. So I started looking at my totally broken life. Do you know what a person with a totally broken life is, people? In all areas? All. Professional, financial, relationships, family, health… everything. It was like that… and I didn't understand why my life didn't get out of place. Until one day I took possession of my right to be here and be happy. Professor Hélio Couto says: “I am a child of the Creator and I have every right to be here and be happy.” And that's what we should do! But from the moment you say this, it is not for you to wait for things to happen, that the other will bring you happiness, that the other will bring you fulfillment, that help will appear for you to start acting. , for you to be happy and for things to happen in your life. NOT. It's rolling up your sleeves and getting into action! For attitude! That's power. That's power.

    I always say this, my dears. When you accept it, understand it, introject it and bring it into you, you empower yourself. From that moment on, the difficulties and challenges that come your way no longer matter. They will show up, they will show up, but when you have this very strong conception inside you, nothing stops you. NOTHING STOP YOU. Obstacles may come, stones may come.

    Remember Drummond's poem? “In the middle of the way there was a stone, in the middle of the way there was a stone, in the middle of the way there was a stone…”, but what are you going to do with the stones? Because the stones will appear, they will appear. And what are you going to do with these stones? Will you let these stones block you and paralyze you? Not. You will remove these stones. And how do you remove these stones? Through their actions and attitudes. It doesn't matter if they are material actions, in the material field, if you have to act, if it is a course you want, if it is a promotion in your work, if it is to create your company, if it is to stand out as a professional or if it is a healing, a relationship or more money you want; you will have to act in the material field, but you will also have to act in the spiritual field. In the field of energies, clearing energies, traumas, beliefs; because our life is movement. We have to move in favor of the changes, transformations and happiness that we are looking for so much! We are the ones who build it. KNOWING THIS IS EMPOWERING MY DEAR ONE!

    So what will 2022 look like? Here's the question that doesn't want to shut up for you! What will your year 2022 be like? Here's the question that can't shut up for you! As much as the forecasts are there, the trends are there…

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    When we go there and do something, like a consultation to find out how our year will be (many people do that; they make maps, maybe the person makes a numerological chart, makes an astrological chart), trends exist, but, as much as they exist, if you don't do your part, nothing will happen, because there is no predetermined future for anyone. This is an illusion that makes you paralyzed, without action, wasting time in your life and getting frustrated. So you want to know what your year 2022 will be like? Here's the question you don't want to shut up! It depends, it depends on what you're going to do, the changes you're going to seek for your life.

    Taking advantage, I already leave an invitation for you here now:

    I am opening NLP coaching, mentoring and clinical hypnosis programs. I'm opening vacancies to do custom work for those who want it. Online service by Zoom or Meet. If you want to do personalized work, if you want me to work with you on an individual basis, if you want to hire my coaching, advisory or mentoring work, along with neurolinguistic programming, just get in touch via email or from WhatsApp below.

    Good luck in your new year! Good luck in your life!


    WhatsApp: DDI Netherlands +31611258051

    HĂ©rica Rodriguess

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