Pessimist and optimist life: what each one is attracting

the pessimist

Pessimistic people focus on loss, pain, suffering and everything bad that can happen. They are always preparing for something (or everything) to go wrong. The pessimist begins to suffer in advance so as not to be taken by surprise, and is always ready for suffering, even before it happens.

The pessimist can get his disastrous predictions wrong a thousand times, he only needs to get one of them right to justify and feed all his pessimism. It's the famous "I knew it wouldn't work" or the "I didn't say this wasn't for you" of the pessimist. As much as the pessimist experiences good events, he sees them as chance and soon prepares himself for a wave of problems.

This negative behavior of the pessimist becomes his pattern. The more time passes, the more he feeds his way of being and his beliefs within this format. Therefore, it is difficult to change the pattern of a person who has lived many years with this behavior.

The pessimist simply doesn't know what it's like to live otherwise and is too afraid to change, because changes bring results that can be disastrous. For him, the best thing is to stick with the pattern he already knows and knows what to expect. You might have a hard time getting along with someone like that if you're not so negative or if you're trying to change your thinking pattern to something positive.

the optimist

The optimist is no dreamer or someone who believes that the world is made up of only good news. He is someone who seeks to build a mental pattern focused on results and achievements. Who knows that the world is made of constant choices and that it is always possible to seek the best options. The optimist understands that even in negative and unexpected situations, a good lesson can be learned and what is apparently bad can be turned into something better. He is a transformative person, a performer, who knows he has the power to change his reality with his actions.

Pessimist and optimist life: what each one is attracting
Kapulya / Getty Images Pro/ Canva

While the pessimist waits for something to go wrong, the optimist moves to build his own results. He accepts life's challenges with open arms, so he is more malleable and adapts to different situations. He knows things can go wrong, and if they do, he will deal with the situation. But he always works to make everything work. He knows he has the power to build his own reality.

Optimists produce and accomplish much more, as it is natural for them to be in constant motion. They don't park in one spot simply because they feel good. They seek new challenges, as they understand that life is a constant growth. The optimist's life is lighter and the smile is much more present in his life.

The story that each one will tell at the end of life

If you meet a pessimist and an optimist who have lived a long time and are at the end of their lives and ask about their history, you will have two very different perspectives. Each had experiences and perceived events according to their beliefs and what they attracted to themselves.

The pessimist will certainly have a set of disappointments, regrets, and troublesome situations highlighted. He will tell how he had a difficult life, but he fought to win and survive so far. The pessimist's vision is that of a suffering existence, in which the objective is to avoid problems and suffering, which are constant during life.

Pessimist and optimist life: what each one is attracting
Andrew Neel / Pexels / Canva

The optimist will also present some defeats and possible disappointments, but from them he will learn great lessons and turnarounds. The optimist will have more stories to tell, with different outcomes and events. It will envelop him in an exciting energy as you recount his achievements, and you will be able to see that believing and experiencing positivity has made him attract good things to life.

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The law of attraction works like this, what you believe, what you do and experience day after day becomes reality. If for you life is cloudy and full of rainy days, the sun will be a rare event and it will soon go away. You even hide when he appears so you don't get burned. If sun is the norm for you, rainy days will be rare, and when they do, you can dance in the rain and enjoy the moment.

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