air element

When we are born, we pass through a belt of planets and define our cellular composition with the predominance of one of the four main elements of nature: nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and carbon: Air, Water, Fire and Earth. There are four different ways of looking at life.

The main composition of Ar is nitrogen.

Depending on the sign of the zodiac in which we were born, some of these elements will predominate, as they will be necessary for what we came to develop in this existence. Our cellular composition has to do with our essence, you know?

Today we are going to talk about the Air element: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, those with a sanguine temperament.

Free, intelligent, perceptive, cheerful, optimistic, cordial beings, with a lot of ability to make exchanges and interact with the world. They are very connected to communication, in addition to being collaborative, social and very mental. They can be unstable and inconstant.

Dialogue is an impulsive characteristic of Air. He loves exchanges.

air element

We are not talking here about behavior, which can be controlled, but about the nature of each being, which shows itself in impulse.

Trying to be what we are not in essence goes against our life project and causes the entire body to be unbalanced, because it is against its cellular composition. So he gets sick, in addition to making us unhappy.

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If you do not recognize yourself in the characteristics of the element of your main sign, it is worth reflecting on whether you are holding back and not allowing yourself to be what you are in essence, because the composition of your body can give you indications of your life purpose, since that you would need them here on this planet. What is it that a being of Air, with all this communication, came to contribute to the All?

Other cycles in nature governed by the element Ar are:

  • Season of the year: Autumn
  • Kingdom of Nature: Animal
  • peripheral nervous system
  • heart chakra

Remember that we have free choice as to how to use these forces of nature, but planting is optional, but harvesting is mandatory. It is time for Awakening and the planet asks for all of our loving help in this transition to a new frequency of love and light.

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