personal value

Our personal worth is not measured by anything outside of us. It is born from everything we build and strengthen within.

Talents, potentials, gifts, abilities and also challenges make us unique beings in existence.

Being aware of our inner wealth is a fundamental condition for us to consider ourselves true jewels of Creation.

There is not one being like us. The traits of our uniqueness are not repeated in any other person. We may have affinities, belong to the “same tribe”, speak the “same language”, but we are just alike, never the same.

We are absolutely unique and incomparable!

But, because we don't have this very clear inside us, we are constantly comparing ourselves with other people, sometimes feeling superior, sometimes inferior, forgetting that this doesn't exist. Each is unique. Assuming our own “size” helps us to have a more harmonious life. We are neither more nor less, better or worse.

We are who we are!

However, because we still don't have this very clear inside us, we often associate our value with the Tue. Having money, patrimony, success, fame, prestige, power, recognition are, in most cases, consequences of a job well done, of dedication, of commitment. Okay, no problem, but taking that away from the individual does it lose its value? If he loses all this, will his personal worth be affected? Not. It will remain intact because we are nothing outside of us. We are all that is inside.  

Our true heritage consists of what we structure internally.

personal valueHowever, still, because we do not trust this, we give much importance to what they say about us. We believe in and hold certain limiting beliefs that are not ours, but we buy and hold on to these ideas, sometimes for years on end. With that, we leave behind projects, dreams, ideals that touch our heart but that were blunted, kept in a dark basement, hidden and locked in a chest of our own being, untouched because we didn't feel capable of realizing them. Yet.

My invitation is that, in this year that is about to begin, you remember who you are, your victories, your achievements. Don't forget that you are pure Light, you are Beauty, you are Truth, you are Strength!

Rediscover this project, remember that wonderful idea, imagine yourself fulfilling your dreams and get excited about it!

Believe in your worth and go for it!

Realization of being is what I wish for all of you in 2016!


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