personal power

    We live in a society in which the disconnection with one's own body, essence and real desires is a common fact. The desire to be someone you are not, to follow pre-established and established patterns of behavior and beauty by the current culture, often costs the fluidity of energy in the body and in life and the blocking of pleasure by not accepting oneself.

    Our society is also based mostly on values ​​linked to the masculine, such as competitiveness, where the act of comparing oneself with the other is very present. Internal demands and external demands are usually high and within this apparent reality you still think you need to be the same or better than other people, instead of seeking to be someone closer within your possibilities and essence.

    It is precisely by living a personality or life that follows a pattern, and not the heart, that a large part of the population still keeps away from their potential and inner brightness. The slightest glimpse of this brilliance and potential can seduce or drive away those who are faced with the beauty and magnitude of themselves, with their gifts, knowledge and missions. When a person is seduced, he can follow two different paths: the first is that of self-realization, living a life of self-knowledge, with equanimity, empowering himself, manifesting and sharing with the world his mission, his Dharma. The second is the way of getting drunk with your own "gold", acting only for your own benefit.

    personal power

    The person who moves away from his personal nectar, often runs away from the responsibility and power of being herself, from the commitment to share her magic and potential with the world, to co-creating a reality aligned with the heart and with conscious action. Saying yes to meeting your personal power often implies a break with standards and beliefs considered normal and accepted by the square culture that insists on imprisoning freedom of expression and creativity.

    It also implies talking about topics that are taboo, accepting to be different from most people, not allowing other people's opinions to divert you from the path that your heart and intuition say is right. In finally sharing your gifts and knowledge with others, in recognizing yourself fully exactly as you are.

    The distance and fear of meeting and assuming your personal power transcends gender issues. It's all over the place. The feeling that something is always missing internally is recurrent. It is necessary to walk the journey back to yourself, reflecting and feeling what the heart and soul say. It requires courage and trust. Recognizing yourself as whole, capable and deserving of manifesting what resonates internally, vibrating abundance and fluidity in your life, is part of the internal transformation and reappropriation of brightness, fullness and personal power.

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