First thought of the day: What do you create when you wake up?

The first thought of the day! We have in our heads the most responsible for giving direction to all our communications. What would human beings be like without the great ability to think? We can imagine many scenes with this question, including the inability we would have if we had to read this text.

First of all, we should be grateful that we have this ability. After all, it is through our thoughts that we are who we are today. Through our minds we build, destroy and transform not only the world, but ourselves.

Because we live in a society that is not yet fully awake, it is possible to find people who have no idea of ​​the power of the mind. Little do they know that everything changes with it, especially when using it the right way.

The importance of the first thought of the day

First thought of the day: What do you create when you wake up?

How do you start your day? I say: what is your first thought of the day? Did you know that it can determine the rest of your day? As we begin a day filled with happy, motivating, hopeful thoughts, we are automatically creating the rest of the day.

Of course, this situation often remains only in theory for those who are emotionally unbalanced. Therefore, for thoughts to have a light path, it is necessary to work on emotions.

If, when you wake up, your first thought of the day involves negative aspects, such as worries, fears, insecurities, etc., the path of your thoughts will be this. The most impressive thing about this is that this attitude shows us that we are responsible for our reality.

So, when we fall asleep, our thoughts are still active in our minds. But what happens in this period is different from what happens when we think awake.

When we wake up and think about the house we want to have, the determining factor of this creation will be the way we feel. A simple example of this: if you want a beautiful home but feel like you can't have it, the universe will understand that you can't have it. In this way, the first thought of the day does not materialize, even if it was good.

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Relation of quantum physics to positive day thinking

First thought of the day: What do you create when you wake up?

We come to an even more interesting point: quantum physics! Completely involved with explanations about spirituality, studies based on this science explain the power of our three minds.

Everything we have today was materialized and manifested through the power of the three minds: conscious, subconscious and cosmic. Knowing this, it is much easier to understand why we are where we are and why we live as we do.

The conscious mind is a creator of realities, however, for reality to be manifested, there must be a connection. It is not enough to create reality, you have to feel it so that the cosmic mind understands what you want. That's why learning to send the right feelings out into the universe is a decisive factor.

The subconscious mind is responsible for sending these feelings out. Making this connection of conscious thoughts and feelings from the emotional or subconscious mind, therefore, is the most important step. From there, the work of the cosmic mind can be performed correctly.

Ultimately, the cosmic mind is responsible for creating the reality that the conscious mind and subconscious mind have planned. She will walk with these thoughts and feelings to the divine source, bringing all that was created and felt into her physical life.

In this way, the first thought of the day, with the right feeling, will be able to create future realities, like the rest of the day. Keep your emotions in balance and train your mind with good thoughts, especially when you get up.

Text written by Juliana Almeida from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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