β€œAnd it shall come to pass that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

    Acts 2:21

    Pentecost is a very important date in the Christian calendar, but it has been neglected and relegated to the background nowadays.

    The word "Pentecost" has its origin in Greek, and means "fiftieth", because it was fifty days after the celebration of Easter that the disciples following Christ, gathered in Jerusalem, after his ascension to heaven, received the Holy Spirit, passing to speak in other tongues, spreading divine wisdom.

    On the exact same date, the Jews commemorate the giving of the Torah (the Tablets of the Law and the Pentateuch), which took place on Mount Sinai, to Moses. This celebration is called "Shavuot", translated as "weeks", because it takes place seven weeks after the celebration of Pesach, the so-called Jewish Passover.

    The Bible tells us that the disciples were in prayer, together with Mary, the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers, in Jerusalem, when they heard a roaring sound, accompanied by tongues of fire. From then on, the Holy Spirit filled them with wisdom and impetus, and all who were there with them were astonished, for they began to speak in different languages, being understood by all, in their own mother tongues.

    We can see, in this way, that the date reveals itself as an inflection point in the dissemination of the word of God in this world, being since then transmitted to the most diverse peoples around the planet. From the moment of Christ's ascension into heaven, ten days before Pentecost, it fell to his followers to carry the message of the good news forward. The biblical word, propagated by Jesus, proved to be of a universal language, which transcends all borders, not restricted to a small group and their descendants. So, after the descent of the Holy Spirit and after so much time, it is up to us, as individuals and also collectively, to accept and call on the name of the Lord, to be saved from death and darkness.

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    The word was given to us, so that we can live in life and in freedom, in a full and dignified life. Let us therefore persevere in life in Christ, with love in our hearts.

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