Illuminated Road – Twisting the foot. It was tricky!

Yesterday I sprained my foot, someone said. Another said he tripped and when he fell he fractured one of his ribs. But, there is the one that was worse, because he was relaxing on the weekend, playing football and when he made a sudden movement he ruptured the tendon, having to keep his leg immobilized for several days. Another said he fell down the stairs, but it was just a fright.

Well, we wonder why such accidents happen? Some with considerable consequences and others with just fright.

Would we need to go through such events? Could we have avoided it? I say no at first, because nothing happens by chance. Even if we hadn't climbed the stairs, played football, or stayed at home, something would have happened that would have given rise to a similar event.

Illuminated Road – Twisting the foot. It was tricky!

We say that falling doesn't depend much on our care in walking, but on the merits of being tripped. Many do not believe that the spirits have influence in causing us any harm, but it really exists, and if we have our defenses deficient, we will be easy prey for them.

In the course of the day we give reasons for such facts to happen. We facilitate with our thoughts, our attitudes and sometimes we let anger take over us, thus allowing this energy to be externalized and used by them, who having something against us end up harming us.

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American psychic Edgar Cayce once said: β€œwe are what we think”. Therefore, the spirits, as they can read our thoughts, know the intimate nature that we are experiencing, and this makes it possible for them to take advantage of our lack of vigilance.

Let us remember that Jesus, whenever he healed a paralytic, said that he should not make any more mistakes, lest something worse happen to him. It is because the individual is enveloped in a negative energetic halo, or committed to evil, culminates in attracting bad or mocking entities around him who think like him, and this causes even serious events that originate in just a trick to happen. .

Illuminated Road – Twisting the foot. It was tricky!

I always say that we are indebted to the wrong practices of the past, and spirituality only promotes events that are up to us, driven by Divine Justice, which is not flawed like the justice of men.

Therefore, we can be sure that accidents caused by falls are not the result of chance, but a beautiful trip, whose consequences are directly linked to the worthiness of each one.

It is good to watch our thoughts and attitudes, so as not to β€œgive luck to misfortune”, as the popular saying goes.

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