Parading in the block of joy

There are those who wait all year to β€œplay” in carnival, there are those who wait for carnival to pass to start their new year. There are those who hate him, but there are also those who worship him with all their strength. There are those who run away from him and hide to avoid them crossing the path and there are also those who would like to multiply themselves to find him in various ways, at the samba school, at the frevo, at the dances, in the street marches, behind the trio electric, or on the beach.

It is a time when many people expect to give their physical bodies maximum pleasure by drinking alcohol until they become unconscious and in some cases even lose the ability to take care of their own bodies. Having sex with as many people as possible, tangling with different types of energies. Some use drugs to intensify pleasure and escape their anguish and frustrations. Listening to music at such a high volume that you no longer hear your own inner voice. Challenge the biological laws that govern the physical body, forcing it to stay awake for long hours and even days on end.

Parading in the block of joy

Is it possible that, from sensation to pleasant sensation, the physical body is not being forced to achieve something that it is not capable of? Happiness, for example. 

Happiness is internal, it is psychological, it depends on you, on your state of consciousness. The body can give you only momentary pleasures. 

And the joy? This is a state of mind, it does not depend on the circumstances, nor on the other. It is an inner glow that emerges here and now.

Who took refuge from carnival is happier? Not necessarily, when one speaks with superiority and disdains those who participate in Carnival celebrations, one disconnects from the internal glow of the joy of the here and now when judging the way the other is experiencing Carnival.

Parading in the block of joy

Go inside, feel the genuine joy and put your block on the street, at home, at work, at the temple, on the beach, in short, wherever you are!

You may also like another article by this author. Access: Year ending, new agenda starting

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