Ovulation test: take all your doubts about it!

Women who are trying to get pregnant or even who are trying to get to know their menstrual cycle better may have difficulty understanding exactly which day they are most fertile, that is, if there is an interest in getting pregnant, which day they have more chances of fertilization taking place.

The observation of the mucus itself and the basal temperature, which are taught to be observed in the Billings Method, for example, help to get a closer idea of ​​the most fertile days, but not exactly.

A very popular option and used by those trying in recent years is the fertility test, which is similar to the pregnancy test. It aids women's self-observation of ovulation day.

fertility test

Also known as an ovulation test, it is able to identify female fertility by measuring the LH hormone, which is usually higher on fertile days.

It is important that the woman who wants to test already has a routine of observing the signs of fertility, to take the test on the most likely day for a positive result. The best time to take the test is between 15 pm and 19 pm, when LH is usually at its highest.

Ovulation test: take all your doubts about it!
Cathy Yeulet/123RF

The LH hormone appears in the urine after follicle maturation and before egg maturation, that is, when the result is positive, it takes 12 to 48 hours for ovulation.

They are hygienic and easy to use. As with pregnancy tests, just follow the directions written on the package: dip the pipette in a little urine and wait for about five minutes.

After that time, it is necessary to observe the color change to know if the result is positive or negative, according to what is indicated in the box. In addition, there are also digital tests, which are more practical as they usually give a smiley result indicating whether it is positive or negative, which makes it easier to interpret.

Tests can be purchased at pharmacies or online. Some brands that have this product are ClearBlue, Confirme Fertilidade and Bioeasy. Some are known abroad and are marketed in Spain by importers such as Famivita and Wondfo.

To facilitate this identification of the most fertile period, it is important to carefully read the product instructions and test with the first urine in the morning or after 4 hours without urinating. Another essential factor is to know your menstrual cycle well, because that way the test can be more accurate, since the woman who is doing it knows the most likely day for a positive result.

Ovulation test: take all your doubts about it!
dmvasilenko77/ 123RF

Despite all these factors that can help a lot in carrying out the test, there are some reasons that can make the result uncertain, because each organism has its particularities, so there are separate cases.

One of the reasons involves those who have polycystic ovaries, because in that case the test may indicate an LH surge and ovulation may not occur. Because of some abnormalities in the hypothalamus, LH production may not work properly and the test may identify the hormone and ovulation may not necessarily occur.

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The existence of an ovulation test is very positive to help female self-knowledge and the functioning of the menstrual cycle itself. With a use allied to the observation of one's own body and favorable conditions, it helps the tempting a lot and collaborates with the feminine self-knowledge.

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